
注册日期:2014-05-26 11:01:11

Sym_comp_demo.zip - Symmetrical components interactive demo using matlab. Helpful of students to learn.,2016-01-31 11:07:26,下载1次
Statcom_pi_cntrl.rar - Control of statcom using matlab simulation. PI controller is used.,2016-01-31 11:06:39,下载46次
PMSM_speed_cntrl.rar - PMSM speed control using matlab/simulink. Good reference.,2016-01-31 11:05:50,下载17次
DTC_ind_motor.rar - Direct torque control of induction motor using matlab simulink. Good to refer,2016-01-31 11:04:27,下载4次
buck_fuzzy.rar - Simulation of buck converter using fuzzy logic controller,2015-06-24 20:41:20,下载20次
InTech-A_new_method_for_tuning_pid_type_fuzzy_con - Tuning PI controller using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) ,2014-05-26 12:17:03,下载14次
control-system-tuning-in-simulink-made-easy.pdf.z - Control system tuning using simulink,2014-05-26 11:15:11,下载2次
Engineering_Optimization_matlab.zip - Optimization algorithm (PSO, Firefly algorithm) using Matlab for engineering applications.,2014-05-26 11:12:33,下载32次
Fuzzy_Logic_R2013b.zip - Application of Fuzzy Logic for Autonomous Bay Parking of Automobiles Using Matlab/Simulink,2014-05-26 11:10:02,下载20次
Battery.zip - Lithium ion battery simulation using simulink. Very Good reference.,2014-05-26 11:07:39,下载49次
Battery_energy_management.mdl.zip - Battery energy management system using matlab,2014-05-26 11:04:54,下载103次

VSGisland.zip - 在MATLAB中建立基于VSG控制方法下的孤岛模式下带负载稳定运行
sop_1.zip - 在Simulink中搭建电池估算SOP的算法,用于动力电池功率状态的预测
alamgirfiles.zip - The fuzzy logic control based battery management system has been designed for effective power utilization. The proposed control to operate the battery charging and discharging mode during non-linear power generation. The battery will charge whenever the renewable energy power is greater than to consumer load power as well as the battery will discharge whenever the renewable energy power is lesser than to consumer load power. The proposed model will be simulated using Matlab environment and analysis the proposed system results. Finally, simulation results are uated and validating the effectiveness of the proposed controller.
DC Microgrid Demo.zip - 光储直流微电网,将光伏与储能系统相结合,引入不同负荷,可运行
VSG_BINGLIAN_CSDN.rar - 虚拟同步机VSG仿真模型采用matlab,simulink建模
lcl滤波并网.zip - 并网逆变器通常采用L滤波器,虽然结构和控制简单,但是随着功率级别的增加会地带来体积重量增大等问题。LCL滤波器适用于功率较大的场合。
BP-PID.zip - BP神经网络控制PID参数,PEMFC电堆供电系统
RBF-PID.zip - 搭建了含有正常工作电压区间为126~163V PEMFC电堆、DC/DC升压变换器、DC/AC逆变器、滤波器等的PEMFC微型供电系统模型,并在此基础上,根据PEMFC输出特性将RBF神经网络与传统PID控制器结合,设计了一种基于RBF神经网络PID自适应控制的Boost变换器。MATLAB/Simulink软件仿真测试表明,当负载发生变化电堆输出电压不稳定时,PID自适应控制器能够将变换器输出电压快速平滑地过渡到300V设定值,给负载提供稳定电压,实现供电系统的快速响应。以永磁同步电机作为负载进行分析,结果表明系统满足供电要求,验证了本设计的可行性。
asmall.zip - BOOST电路的小信号数学模型建立,利用simulink仿真来证明准确性
Buck_Boost.zip - DC-DC变换,能源管理基础仿真,升压电路
modi_Bat.rar - 双向储能变流器PSCAD模型,适用版本v4.6。双级式三相储能变流器模型,针对锂电池建模,PCS建模。
exampleBP_PID.zip - 利用BP神经网络逼近目标函数,PID参数实时改变,响应更好
rbf_pidtest.zip - 基于RBF神经网络的PI控制,在simulink中以s函数方式接入模型。
VSR.zip - 基于SVPWM的三相PWM整流,电压电流双环控制,包含电流解耦与锁相环
leyueda8404_10525435.zip - 供参考的VSG仿真,波形不完美,需要调整参数。
VSG.zip - 初步搭建的VSG的sumlink仿真,希望大家可以互相交流。
agc_project.rar - automatic generation control
modeling-LFC-whith-simulink-hossein-hjisadeghian- - modeling of load-frequency control in simulink matlab in power system analyzes
EV前向仿真simulink模型.zip - 完整版纯电动汽车Matlab/Simulink仿真模型,包括电池模型、电机模型等,下载后可以直接运行
6.dc micro grid.rar - d.c micro grid systems using pv systems module
