
注册日期:2014-06-24 21:12:23

vkt_airfoil_v3.rar - Karman-Trefftz airfoil is an intriguing airfoil for which a complete set of exact solutions can be computed. This solution has been used by many people to verify the accuracy of their inviscid code (incompressible limit). If you have not, use this code now to generate a (quadrilateral or triangular) grid, run your code on it, compute the error, and verify the accuracy of your code. Me? I have used it for my third-order multigrid Cauchy-Riemann solver,2014-06-25 16:41:57,下载4次
hexgrid_cube_v3.rar - Hexahedral grid in a unit cube is generated and written as unstructured/finite- element data in a UGRID 3D unstructured grid file. It may be useful for those who want to learn a typical data structure of unstructured grids.,2014-06-25 16:40:18,下载4次
tetgrid_cube_v3.rar - Tetrahedral grid in a unit cube is generated and written in the UGRID format. Learn how the hexahedron can be divided into six tetrahedra. Mdify the code to divide the hexahedron into five tetrahedra.,2014-06-25 16:38:56,下载3次
przgrid_cube_v3.rar - Prismatic grid in a unit cube is generated and written in the UGRID format. It s just a cubic domain, but may be useful in learning unstructured grid data.,2014-06-25 16:37:27,下载3次
mixgrid_cube_v3.rar - Mixed (tetrahedral-prismatic) grid in a unit cube is generated and written in the UGRID format. Learn how a typical viscous-type grid can be generated. You may want to modify the code to apply stretching to the prismatic layer for a smooth transition to the isotropic tetrahedral region.,2014-06-25 16:35:51,下载3次
oned_euler_v1.rar - Here is a 1D Euler code (1D shock tube code) for solving Sod s shock tube problem, using Roe s Approximate Riemann solver, minmod limiter, and 2- stage Runge-Kutta time-stepping. Learn how a second-order non-oscillatory Euler code is written, or just run it to see how it is capable of computing discontinuous solutions. Incorporate various flux subroutines given below to explore other methods.,2014-06-25 16:32:20,下载10次

