
注册日期:2014-06-30 18:55:59

petsc-3.6.3.rar - PETSc, pronounced PET-see (the S is silent), is a suite of data structures and routines for the scalable (parallel) solution of scientific applications modeled by partial differential equations. It supports MPI, and GPUs through CUDA or OpenCL, as well as hybrid MPI-GPU parallelism,2016-01-04 08:50:34,下载2次
cfd-gridlib.rar - This gridlib collection has arisen decades of application programming at NASA Ames Research Center involving (mostly) structured grids in 2- and 3-space, including many utilities for generating grid point distributions along a line or curve. Of these, curvature-based and (extremely precise) Vinokur-type distributions are most valuable. See program DISTRIBUTE for driving such utilities. Transfinite interpolation, elliptic smoothing, and grid perturbations are also supported here.,2016-01-04 07:39:38,下载5次
cfd-gridlib.tar.gz - This gridlib collection has arisen decades of application programming at NASA Ames Research Center involving (mostly) structured grids in 2- and 3-space, including many utilities for generating grid point distributions along a line or curve. Of these, curvature-based and (extremely precise) Vinokur-type distributions are most valuable. See program DISTRIBUTE for driving such utilities. Transfinite interpolation, elliptic smoothing, and grid perturbations are also supported here.,2016-01-04 07:33:51,下载7次 - CCFD is a cfd open source code for computational fluid dynamics ,2016-01-04 05:55:42,下载2次 - SU2 is a suite of open-source software tools for the numerical solution of Computational Fluid Dynamics problems (including design),2016-01-04 05:03:23,下载2次
ipg-surfer-1.0.tar.gz - Surfer is an extensible framework designed to and rank grid resources where a resource is defined to be anything that may need selecting such as compute resources, storage resources, data resources, etc,2016-01-04 04:58:33,下载1次 - 3-D Finite Element Analysis (FEA) in MATLAB. This can help you to perform high fidelity modeling for applications such as structural mechanics, electrostatics, magnetostatics, conduction, heat transfer, and diffusion ,2016-01-04 04:16:51,下载7次
featflow1.3RC10.tar.gz - CFD open source code ,2016-01-04 04:11:54,下载2次
cread-dxf-file.rar - 采用c语言读取dxf文件,可以输出文件的坐标等信息,2014-06-30 19:04:02,下载14次

BMP.rar - BMP图像的简单处理,其中包含如何读取和保存BMP图像,并对BMP图像进行了简单的处理。
四参数随机生长法生成多孔介质代码.zip - 利用四参数随机生成法生成三维多孔介质,以研究黏土、页岩等的微观流动机制 - 在有限元软件abaqus中批量生成所要建立的质点单元,质点部件
palabos.rar - lbm 开源软件 palabos 教程 可以尽快上手进行计算 - dem-lbm this file comined descrete element method
Abaqus-USDFLD.rar - ABAQUS 用户子程序实例 复合材料层压板渐进损伤强度分析
fractal_dimension.rar - 分形维数的matlab代码,应用差分盒子方法进行计算分形维数 - how to compute the fractal dimension by box counting or corellation dimension method
fractal_dimension.rar - 3 methods to calcul the fractal dimension (box-counting, DBC & segments methods)
bem.rar - 声学边界元程序,全套的,遗憾的是用fortan编的,不过matlab用混合编程可以调用
I[1].M.Smith.rar - I[1].M.Smith所著的《有限元方法编程》第三版Fortran程序
Programming_the_Finite_Element_Method.rar - 《有限元方法编程(第三版)》中文版扫描本。 本书作者将手把手教你进行有限元编程,使理论与实践不再脱节。
sourcecodes(1).zip - 关于传热学的边界元计算程序,可以直接运行
boit.rar - 用Fortran编写的2D土体固结边界元程序
BEM-contact.rar - 一个用于弹性接触分析的边界元fortran源程序
two-dimensional.rar - 二维弹性(平面应变)问题的常量边界元程序
fembem-for-EM-scattering.rar - 有限元法边界元法求解二维散射问题,非常有用 - 边界元算法求解正方形导热问题实例。一个简单的二维导热模型,用BEM算法求解,用于学习边界元编程。 - 变常量边界元法程序。解决弹性力学特戒边界元法问题的程序 - 边界外文教材。最近在学习有限元和边界元,感觉这个不错,大家多交流
