
注册日期:2014-07-14 00:39:08

AndroidPOS-master.zip - Source code for an android pos solution that allows merchants to run their busienss,2014-07-14 01:09:27,下载10次
fragment_tabs_tutorial-master.zip - This project is a part of a tutorial on how to use Fragments on the Android platform. All code is released under the MIT License, which is included in the file LICENSE.txt. Please refer to the original blog post located here for further documentation: http://neilgoodman.net/2012/03/12/working-with-fragments-on-android-part-2,2014-07-14 01:00:42,下载1次
fragments-viewpager-example-master.zip - This code shows how to replace Android Fragments inside a ViewPager. Imagine the following structure: You can replace Root fragment for another one and, at any moment, you could swipe to Side fragment. Also, it s possible to return to previous fragments by pressing back button.,2014-07-14 00:59:38,下载12次
android-lifecycle-master.zip - After struggling with trying to figure out how various pieces fit together, I ve done some research and put together the complete Android Activity/Fragment lifecycle chart. This has two parallel lifecycles (activities and fragments) which are organized vertically by time. Lifecycle stages will occur in the vertical order in which they re displayed, across activities and fragments. In this way, you can see how your fragments interact with your activities. ,2014-07-14 00:58:26,下载12次
EventBus-master.zip - EventBus is an Android optimized publish/subscribe event bus. A typical use case for Android apps is gluing Activities, Fragments, and background threads together. Conventional wiring of those elements often introduces complex and error-prone dependencies and life cycle issues. With EventBus propagating listeners through all participants (e.g. background service -> activity -> multiple fragments or helper classes) becomes deprecated. EventBus decouples event senders and receivers and thus simplifies communication between app components. Less code, better quality. And you don t need to implement a single interface!,2014-07-14 00:56:43,下载9次
EMV-process-steps.txt.zip - Document describing the steps in an EMV (Chip & Pin) credit card transaction,2014-07-14 00:42:06,下载40次

