
注册日期:2014-07-22 18:27:26

上传列表 - Building on the success of the first generation of FT80x touch display controller ICs with Embedded Video Engine (EVE) technology, the series has now been extended to include a further four graphics controller devices which offer a plethora of improvements and extended capabilities, the FT81x series. The FT810, FT811, FT812 and FT813 provide increased pixel resolution for sharper imagery, increased speed for faster data transfer and image/video loading, and larger memory capacity in order to create advanced, dynamic and sophisticated Human Machine Interfaces (HMIs).,2018-03-18 17:59:08,下载2次 - STM32F4 DISCOVERY Peripherals This one-day seminar will cover motor control theory and feature hands-on training classes using the Motor Control SDK v5.0 to characterize, control and tune a three-phase BLDC motor using the P-Nucleo-IHM002 Motor Control Nucleo Pack. During the session, you will learn how to: Characterize a three-phase BLDC motor with the Motor Profiler Get started with motor control development using the new SDK v5.0 Integrate your motor control design into the rest of your project using STM32CubeMX and IAR EWARM Control and tune your motor using the Motor Control Workbench Monitor,2018-03-18 17:57:56,下载2次 - /* Copyright (c) 2015 Nordic Semiconductor. All Rights Reserved. * * The information contained herein is property of Nordic Semiconductor ASA. * Terms and conditions of usage are described in detail in NORDIC * SEMICONDUCTOR STANDARD SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT. * * Licensees are granted free, non-transferable use of the information. NO * WARRANTY of ANY KIND is provided. This heading must NOT be removed from,2018-03-18 17:55:43,下载1次 - // Touch-configuration code: 811-cap-100 #define TOUCH_TARGET "811" #define TOUCH_FUNCTION "cap" #define TOUCH_VERSION "100" #define TOUCH_DATA_LEN 1216 #define TOUCH_DATA_U8 \,2018-03-18 17:54:22,下载3次
aph006_pcb_layout.rar - APH006 APPLICATION NOTE DW1000 PCB LAYOUT USING .dxf FILES 2016 Version 2.2 This document is subject to change without notice,2018-03-18 17:52:20,下载10次

