
注册日期:2014-07-29 08:51:23

keshu.ppt.tar.gz - This is an application to convert the user s Text or Text file of .txt format to audio file of .wav format. Here the application identifies the words and punctuation marks from the text file and breaks it accordingly with the letters and phonemes concerned. The user will get the audio output of whatever text he/she has written in the richtextbox or whatever text file he/she has introduced in the textbox concerned.,2014-07-29 09:24:34,下载6次
Test_TTS_Sapi.zip - This is an application to convert the user s Text or Text file of .txt format to audio file of .wav format. Here the application identifies the words and punctuation marks from the text file and breaks it accordingly with the letters and phonemes concerned. The user will get the audio output of whatever text he/she has written in the richtextbox or whatever text file he/she has introduced in the textbox concerned.,2014-07-29 09:15:08,下载6次

