
注册日期:2014-11-19 15:44:02

上传列表 - 2D Hetero-Spectral Analysis Conduct 2D hetero-spectral correlation analysis on two matrices (here SAXS and WAXS data) that contain the same number of points along the perturbation. This is written for ax3xm matrices where there are a spectral variables (which are located in column 2) and m points along the perturbation. Column 3 contains the intensity values. Column 1 contains temperatures (not used here). load matrices,2014-11-29 00:00:21,下载4次 - Conventional 2D Correlation Analysis Conventional 2D correlation analysis on a ax2xm matrix containing intensity values at equally spaced points along a perturbation,2014-11-28 23:56:34,下载11次 - This function calculates the SAXS integrated intensity on a frame interval ‘start’ to ‘finish’. ,2014-11-28 23:53:34,下载2次 - This function approximates the long period the peak of the scattering curve on the frame range ‘start’ to ‘finish’. Note: not valid for noisy data. ,2014-11-28 23:51:05,下载2次 - 傅里叶变换是用一系列不同频率的正余弦函数去分解原函数,变换后得到是原函数在正余弦不同频率下的系数。 小波变换使用一系列的不同尺度的小波去分解原函数,变换后得到的是原函数在不同尺度小波下的系数。 不同的小波通过平移与尺度变换分解,平移是为了得到原函数的时间特性,尺度变换是为了得到原函数的频率特性。 小波变换步骤: 1.把小波w(t)和原函数f(t)的开始部分进行比较,计算系数C。系数C表示该部分函数与小波的相似程度。 2.把小波向右移k单位,得到小波w(t-k),重复1。重复该部知道函数f结束. 3.扩展小波w(t),得到小波w(t/2),重复步骤1,2. 4.不断扩展小波,重复1,2,3. 我这里使用的haar小波,缩放函数是[1 1],小波函数是[1 -1]。,2014-11-28 23:41:30,下载13次 - A.2 Open Image Files This function looks for x-ray images (.tif) in directory ‘dname’ and creates a movie of I(q) versus q and saves the corresponding 3D matrix. ‘TempA’ and ‘TempB’ are the slope and y-intercept of the ramp temperature profile, respectively. Variables ‘timeA’ and ‘timeB’ are the slope and y-intercept of the time dependence on the frame number. ‘IC1A’ and ‘IC1B’ are the slope and y-intercept of the IC1 value (prior to sample) dependence on the frame number. It load background matrices ‘B’ which should be double-format and corrected for IC1 and any difference for acquisition time. This function calls radialintegrationBNL A.4 Lorentz Correction This function creates and saves the Lorentz-corrected intensity matrix calculated the intensity matrix created in A.2. It also saves each frame as a separate ascii file for crystallinity uation in Origin or other software. ,2014-11-28 23:30:51,下载4次
Extract-I(q) - This function requires the input of a 2D matrix containing intensity values (double) corresponding to the x-ray scattering image (‘imagemat’). It returns I(q) vs. q in matrix ‘IvsQ’. It loads the experimental parameters saved in A.1. Start and end pixel counts can be adjusted as needed. It is important to resize matrices ‘allpixels’ and ‘sortedpix’ accordingly. ,2014-11-28 23:22:48,下载3次

