
注册日期:2014-12-15 17:44:33

Edge-based-text-region-extraction-from-natural-im - The basic steps of the edge-based text extraction algorithm are given below 1. Create a Gaussian pyramid by convolving the input image with a Gaussian kernel and successively down-sample each direction by half. (Levels: 4) 2. Create directional kernels to detect edges at 0, 45, 90 and 135 orientations. 3. Convolve each image in the Gaussian pyramid with each orientation filter. 4. Combine the results of step 3 to create the Feature Map. 5. Dilate the resultant image using a sufficiently large structuring element (7x7 [1]) to cluster candidate text regions together. 6. Create final output image with text in white pixels against a plain black background.,2014-12-16 02:56:28,下载9次
Wound-detection-from-image-captured-with-live-cam - Wound detection image captured with live camera With this code we can automatically identify the wound in human body and its area. ,2014-12-16 01:55:14,下载16次
Loggabor-Lung-cancer-detection.zip - Loggabor Lung cancer detection Steps 1. First enter the patient ID 2. Enter patients mail ID 3. Select Input image cross sectional view of lungs • After selection the image histogram equalized, • Gabor filterd enhance the image • Dilated gradient mask • Cleared border image • Calculate area • Possible location of cancer is traced by green boundary 4. Result ,2014-12-16 01:18:54,下载114次
Connected-Component-based-text-region-extraction. - The basic steps of the connected-component text extraction algorithm are given below, and diagrammed in Figure 10. The details are discussed in the following sections. 1. Convert the input image to YUV color space. The luminance(Y) value is used for further processing. The output is a gray image. 2. Convert the gray image to an edge image. 3. Compute the horizontal and vertical projection profiles of candidate text regions using a histogram with an appropriate threshold value. 4. Use geometric properties of text such as width to height ratio of characters to eliminate possible non-text regions. 5. Binarize the edge image enhancing only the text regions against a plain black background. 6. Create the Gap Image (as explained in the next section) using the gap-filling process and use this as a reference to further eliminate non-text regions the output. ,2014-12-16 00:41:34,下载15次
virtual-Mouse.zip - In computing, a mouse is a pointing device that functions by detecting two-dimensional motion relative to its supporting surface. Physically, a mouse consists of an object held under one of the user s hands, with one or more buttons.The mouse sometimes features other elements, such as wheels , which allow the user to perform various system-dependent operations, or extra buttons or features that can add more control or dimensional input. The mouse s motion typically translates into the motion of a pointer on a display, which allows for fine control of a graphical user interface.,2014-12-15 17:52:53,下载8次

