
注册日期:2015-01-06 16:25:41

rtyt.zip - Note that documents referenced in the that still say Chrysler are valid and applicable,2018-02-26 09:39:57,下载2次
Dr Ebinazar Namdas - UQ Researchers.rar - Where tooling has multiple cavities, tools or centers, the annual layout is conducted on at least one part from each cavity, tool or center, with a minimum overall,2018-02-26 09:34:49,下载1次
rg-allen-K48-50.rar - Where tooling has multiple cavities, tools or centers, the annual layout is conducted on at least one part from each cavity, tool or center, with a minimum overall sample of,2018-02-26 09:34:11,下载1次
0901Litwin32.rar - n. Zip is the most-widely used format, used by the Windows operating system and more recently by OSX as well. RAR is also a very popular and flexible format. Unix uses the tar file format, while Linux uses the tar and gz format.,2018-02-26 09:28:19,下载1次
m5l32.rar - Compressed archives combine multiple files into a single file to make them easier to transport or save on diskspace. Archiving software may also provide options for encryption, file spanning, checksums, self-extraction, and self-installation. Zip is the most-widely used format, used by the Windows opera,2018-02-26 09:24:44,下载1次

FMBC_OQAM_AWGN.rar - FBMC/ OQAM 利用多相滤波器和IFFT快速傅里叶变换实现的FBMC基本结构。具有良好的性能。
IOTA.rar - IOTA prototype filter design for FBMC
FBMCOQAM.rar - FBMC滤波器组多载波系统的方针程序,采用OQAM调制。可以和OFDM系统做个对比
Explained_B_FBMC_OQAM.rar - FBMC OQAM 的示例代码,大牛写的,为大家做参考。
FBMCandOFDM.rar - FBMC和OFDM对比仿真,波形,功率谱以及误码率统计
FBMC-and-GFDM-Interference-Cancellation-schemes-f - FBMC and GFDM interference cancellation techniques
FBMC.m.zip - matlab file implementing FBMC
code.rar - FBMC modulator and demodulator
fbmc_fbmc.zip - MATLAB仿真,本程序是fbmc框架,基于IAM系统的仿真!对初学者很有帮助,建议下载!!!!!!!!!!!!!
a2.rar - 用MATLAB设计及FPGA实现IIR滤波器的方法 摘要 本文介绍了IIR数字滤波器的传统设计思想与步骤及计算机辅助设计方法。并在FPGA上高效实现的低阶IIR滤波 器,其阶数低,实时响应快,适合雷达等的实时、高效处理环境。利用IIR滤波器的多相结构来实现该滤波器系统的方法,对于 四通道的情形在MATLAB上利用Simulink作了仿真, 并在目标板上对算法进行了实现,证明该系统能够同时处理四个通道的信号。
RadplotKalmanfiler.rar - RADPLOT Radar Data Processing Tracker plotting function, This function works with several extended Kalman filter demos in Simulink and other demos
radar_matlab.rar - 利用MATLAB中的m文件和Simulink共同实现radar的仿真!
radarsimulator.zip - 这是在MATLAB上的SIMULINK中实现的雷达系统仿真实例,用户可以自己设定目标距离、方向等参数。
Sim43.rar - 雷达轨迹分析系统绘制的飞机运动的轨迹。运用Simulink中的封装子系统、S函数运算等各种常见功能
Matlab_Simulink.rar - 摘要:该文介绍基于Matlab/Simulink进行雷达系统仿真的基本规范,开发了有关的雷达系统仿真模型库,并在该平台上对某 脉冲多普勒雷达系统进行了仿真,给出了仿真结果和分析"为今后在Matlab/Simulink上开发大规模雷达系统仿真模型库和 仿真复杂雷达系统打下基础"该文的工作不但克服了在工作站上用SPW等系统仿真软件进行雷达系统仿真投入大!推广 难的不足,又克服了利用高级语言编写雷达系统软件通用性差!难度高!周期长的缺点" 关键词:规范 仿真 雷达系统
zhups_2011_3_55.rar - Radar systems on simulink
FMCW_RADAR_Simulation.rar - A simulink model for radar principles simulation
a.rar - 连续波信号调频的雷达处理,利用MATLAB/Simulink进行编程和仿真
single-pulse-radar.zip - SIMULINK 模块,对单脉冲雷达进行系统仿真
