
注册日期:2015-01-09 10:02:51

上传列表 - symbian application compatible with symbian to read TAGS using NFC technology,2015-01-10 06:15:54,下载2次 - MagRead is an application to read magnetic stripe cards. It was written by myself, Jeffrey Malone as a fun app to demonstrate the mslib library that decodes the magnetic stripe data itself. MagRead should be able to read any magnetic stripe that conforms to the standards defined by the ABA and the IATA. These two formats are by far the predominant ones found, and the only exceptions I ve personally run across are hotel keys.,2015-01-10 06:13:14,下载2次 - Party Diagnostic Solution for NCR 56xx 58xx (Personas), 53xx (EasyPoint) and 66xx (SelfServ) ATMs,2015-01-10 06:07:20,下载1次
Interfaz_CNC_v1.2.rar - THIS IS pcb layout and mask to make cnc Controller than can accept 4 axes (ejes) using simple electronic components ,2015-01-10 05:58:39,下载10次
DVB2.0A.rar - DVB2.0A is pictures of the mask to make stepper motor driver L297 L298 with the components list . high resolution picture,2015-01-10 05:53:34,下载2次 - Pcb gcode is a User Language Program (ULP) for EAGLE PCB design software produced by CadSoft. Pcb-gcode allows one to make printed circuit boards by using a CNC router or milling machine to cut the traces out of the copper on the board. It also produces files for drilling holes. Two-sided boards are supported. By mechanically etching the boards, no toxic chemicals are needed – making the process more environmentally friendly. Turn-around times and costs are much reduced ordering a prototype from a board house.,2015-01-10 05:44:43,下载10次 - a minimalist yet revolutionary delta robot 3d printer designed by Johann Rocholl [] aim to provide easy to follow step-by-step instructions on assembly and calibration of Kossel Mini kit supplied by Blomker Industries [],2015-01-10 05:03:11,下载12次

