
注册日期:2015-02-27 20:41:12

FAT-Lib.zip - Thanks to ChaN ! This is a modified version of FAT library for ARM7 (specially AT91SAM7xxx) to use with any compatible physical media such as SD, MMC, MicroSD. ,2015-03-11 03:48:04,下载2次
LCD-Lib.zip - Link an LCD to ARM microcontroller (AT91SAM) and drive it. This is a library and can be used in any application written with Keil uVision.,2015-03-11 03:43:51,下载2次
matlab_use.zip - To emmbed a Matlab code (m file) in your delphi application and send numerical values to Matlab for calculation, This file can Help.,2015-03-11 03:38:10,下载2次
File-to-Hex-16Bit.zip - A simple tool to convert binary file to 16bit hex bytes with [0x] prefix. This is for easy importing a bin file to C/C++ code.,2015-03-11 03:33:16,下载2次
File-to-Hex-8Bit.zip - A simple tool to convert binary file to hex bytes with [0x] prefix. This is for easy importing a bin file to C/C++ code.,2015-03-11 03:31:34,下载1次
seryal_analizer_source.zip - Serial Port RS-232 Communication Terminal Tool, with Hex byte-by-byte order sender and receiver.,2015-03-11 03:19:21,下载2次
2PB_2943f.zip - 20V Battery Gauge using LTC2943,2015-03-11 03:08:27,下载15次

DNPPro_TCP.rar - MFCTCP网络通信 DNP的接收与解析 C++
DNPLAN-communication-protocol.rar - DNPLAN 电力二次通讯规约源码,电力行业通信规约。
