
注册日期:2015-03-09 20:47:22

上传列表 - jsjshsbsb sjjsjsisks jsjsjsbsnjs,2018-06-11 02:12:49,下载0次
HASPHL2008.rar - ggzfbb tddgffh ggdshc sfbh,2018-06-11 02:12:05,下载2次
hasp emulator - hasp Emulator dongke dumper,2018-06-11 02:10:30,下载13次
Hash por ARAPUMK.rar - R4 dmper file to dump dongle,2018-06-11 02:09:46,下载12次
R4_Emulator_2007.12.10.rar - rockey4nd dumper file dump dongke,2018-06-11 02:06:49,下载52次

Multikey 20.x.x.rar - Multikey 20.0.x.x, dongle, emulator
Multikey_vip_20.0.3_x86_x64.rar - EMULATE DONGLE Release VIP
Read-and-write-encryption-dog.rar - 读写加密狗,以前自己做的的一个小程序,给大家分享一下。 - Hasp tooling and emulator stuff
SRM_Mastertelecom.rar - SRM_Mastertelecom Sourse Code
SRM_Master.rar - SRM sourse code, ci langrage
R4ND-HID.rar - This project is hasp4 key emulator (original codes by unknown programmer in MS, emulation code added by denger2k, analize&logs of hasp key protocol by denger2k&Chingachguk). You must compile it under DDK98 (but you may use ME- or NT- DDK). In these case this emulator can works correctly under ALL systems like 98 (tested) and xp (tested).
HASP Boi.rar - Haps198 2020, gravado
HASP MKS FINAL.rar - MULTIKEY LICENSE GENERATOR - Just a bit of code to test Feitian Rockey4ND dongle, nothing really interesting. That just some materials i did for a presentation and a paper (private sorry) about software protection in general. You need to provide p1,p2,p3,p4 into base.asm with your dongle info, i've also included an example of envelopped program and his emulator.
rockey4工具.zip - 用于Rockey4ND的读狗和复制狗,可以检测Rockey4ND的UID和HID
飞天Rockey4ND复制及源码.rar - 飞天诚信rockey4nd复制利器,DELPHI程序源码及复制工具 - Utilities for SafeNET (RainbowChina) Microdog Libraries 3.4 and 4.0
All-Sentinel_Dumper_Tools_Collection_GAZ.rar - sentinel dumper工具,适用于safenet sentinel 系列
r4emul.rar - R4Emulator for windows XP, 7 x64 Driver - this package is about vusbbus emulator i want the source code of this emulator - virtual usb dongle emulator digital signature
MultiKey 18.0.3(64).rar - multikey emulator 18.3 full empty 64 bit emulator including
Themida - Winlicense Ultra Unpacker14 yildo.rar - Themida - Winlicense Ultra Unpacker 1.4 yildo
Tea-encryption-and-decryption-tool.rar - TEA加密解密,专门解密QQ算法,是一个很好的delphi 源码
