
注册日期:2015-06-13 23:41:45

xpgcms.zip - Small apple CMS is a development based on Apple CMS, with the acquisition of PHP video site source code. Small apple CMS software features 1, this program all open source 2, based on Apple CMS two development, support for the original apple CMS 8x templates and plug-ins! Apple CMS optimized for many properties 3, optimize the player's remote call, change to play, play the page to open faster! Remove black chains and some pop-up ads 4, optimize pioneer video, watermelon, video, Kat, AV code, loading faster! 5, background collection, directly call data acquisition! More stable performance,2017-09-12 11:04:16,下载1次
thinkphp.zip - ThinkPHP is a free open-source, object-oriented lightweight PHP development framework of quick and easy, released under the Apache2 open source protocol to agile WEB application development and simplify the development of enterprise application and the birth of the. Has many outstanding features and characteristics, experience more than three years of development, in the active participation of the community team, continuous optimization and improvement in usability, scalability and performance, a large number of typical cases to ensure stability for commercial as well as the development of the portal level.,2017-09-12 11:03:31,下载1次

