rain X

注册日期:2015-06-26 17:27:32

hobd-1.1.1.wince.zip - obd ii app for windows ce 6,2019-02-06 04:26:27,下载2次
MCP_CAN_lib-master.zip - MCP2515 CANBUS lib for arduino,2019-02-06 04:24:02,下载2次
winspy_package.zip - keyboard hook and window hook using winspy c++,2018-02-08 05:28:55,下载4次
RDP_decrypt.zip - RDP decrypt for wince c++ code vs2008,2018-02-08 05:28:03,下载3次
lgu2dir_dir2lgu_V3.03_FavreMod.zip - extract lgu files or reverse backing.,2018-02-08 05:25:55,下载12次
OneWireViewer-Linux.zip - This is full package for onewire platform to run Dalas temp sensor on raspberry pi ARM,2016-12-29 06:15:10,下载3次
JZSmartMort_v1.9.0.cab.zip - This is JZ mortscript for wince 6.0 / 5.0 with full source of mortscript ,2016-12-29 06:11:44,下载1次
CabInstl_1.04.rar - Wince 6.0 cab installer ARM,2016-12-29 06:05:07,下载1次
Android-ChangeLocaleExample-master.zip - This is example how to change local on android 2.1 + using eclipse programmatic ,2016-12-29 06:02:10,下载1次
CE5.rar - Wince 5.0 ARM windows folder extract BSP ,2016-12-29 06:00:14,下载1次
GetDeviceID-master.zip - Source code to get the Device ID serial in wince using NET CF,2016-12-29 05:48:08,下载2次
NETCFv2.0.6129.0.wce.mips.zip - wince net cf 2.0 files without cab for MIPS platform ,2016-12-29 05:44:29,下载1次
i-quad_FW_1.05_ENG.zip - This program is free software you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ,2016-12-20 07:09:34,下载1次
CSRD2_src.zip - Screen resolution v++ wince 5 ,2016-03-14 04:49:04,下载1次

OMAP3530_WINCE6.0_BSP.rar - OMAP3530 DEMO板 WINCE6.0 BSP 完整代码,可编译通过
NDump+new_9may10.rar - Windows ce 6.0 NAND Dump "current version" (9.05.2010)
1.zip - 用C++语言编写,在wince操作系统中显示一个位图,
TI_EVM_3530_6.09.00_SOURCE.zip - TI OMAP3530 Wince bsp,官方bsp需要申请
SMDKV210.rar - 深圳市友坚恒天科技有限公司的S5PV210开发板的WinCE6.0的BSP源码包,里面DOC文件夹里面包含全部文档,在开发板上面可以流畅跑起来,花费8000RMB买到的。
CeStoreManager.zip - WinCE下存储设备的遍历以及磁盘分区的格式化、扫描和碎片整理类
FATFS.rar - 从大量的wince源代码中剥离出的fat文件系统源代码。移植性非常高。 微软的代码,写的非常好。 里面带有source insight工程。方便浏览。
