
注册日期:2015-10-09 17:19:21

RLS_ALGORITHM.zip - The Recursive least squares (RLS) is an adaptive filter which recursively finds the coefficients that minimize a weighted linear least squares cost function relating to the input signals. This is in contrast to other algorithms such as the least mean squares (LMS) that aim to reduce the mean square error. In the derivation of the RLS, the input signals are considered deterministic, while for the LMS and similar algorithm they are considered stochastic. Compared to most of its competitors, the RLS exhibits extremely fast convergence. However, this benefit comes at the cost of high computational complexity.,2015-10-13 17:15:45,下载5次
SIMULATION_OF_BPSK_AND_COMPARISION_USING_BER_PLOT - BPSK (also sometimes called PRK, phase reversal keying, or 2PSK) is the simplest form of phase shift keying (PSK). It uses two phases which are separated by 180° and so can also be termed 2-PSK. It does not particularly matter exactly where the constellation points are positioned, and in this figure they are shown on the real axis, at 0° and 180°. This modulation is the most robust of all the PSKs since it takes the highest level of noise or distortion to make the demodulator reach an incorrect decision. It is, however, only able to modulate at 1 bit/symbol (as seen in the figure) and so is unsuitable for high data-rate applications. In the presence of an arbitrary phase-shift introduced by the communications channel, the demodulator is unable to tell which constellation point is which. As a result, the data is often differentially encoded prior to modulation. BPSK is functionally equivalent to 2-QAM modulation.,2015-10-13 17:12:50,下载7次
RAYLEIGH_FADING.zip - Rayleigh fading is a statistical model for the effect of a propagation environment on a radio signal, such as that used by wireless devices. Rayleigh fading models assume that the magnitude of a signal that has passed through such a transmission medium (also called a communications channel) will vary randomly, or fade, according to a Rayleigh distribution — the radial component of the sum of two uncorrelated Gaussian random variables. Rayleigh fading is viewed as a reasonable model for tropospheric and ionospheric signal propagation as well as the effect of heavily built-up urban environments on radio signals.[1][2] Rayleigh fading is most applicable when there is no dominant propagation along a line of sight between the transmitter and receiver. If there is a dominant line of sight, Rician ,2015-10-13 17:11:25,下载4次
MATLAB_CODE_TO_GENERATE_A_PSEUDO_NOISE_SEQUENCE.z - A pseudorandom number generator (PRNG), also known as a deterministic random bit generator (DRBG),[1] is an algorithm for generating a sequence of numbers whose properties approximate the properties of sequences of random numbers. The PRNG-generated sequence is not truly random, because it is completely determined by a relatively small set of initial values, called the PRNG s seed (which may include truly random values). Although sequences that are closer to truly random can be generated using hardware random number generators, pseudorandom number generators are important in practice for their speed in number generation and their reproducibility.[2] PRNGs are central in applications such as simulations (e.g. for the Monte Carlo method), electronic games (e.g. for procedural generation), and cryptography. Cryptographic applications require the output not to be predictable earlier outputs, and more elaborate algorithms, which do not inherit the linearity of simpler PRNGs, are needed.,2015-10-13 17:09:20,下载5次
ISI_AND_EQUALISATION.zip - In telecommunication, Intersymbol Interference (ISI) is a form of distortion of a signal in which one symbol interferes with subsequent symbols. This is an unwanted phenomenon as the previous symbols have similar effect as noise, thus making the communication less reliable. The spreading of the pulse beyond its allotted time interval causes it to interfere with neighboring pulses.[1] ISI is usually caused by multipath propagation or the inherent non-linear frequency response of a channel causing successive symbols to blur together. The presence of ISI in the system introduces errors in the decision device at the receiver output. Therefore, in the design of the transmitting and receiving filters, the objective is to minimize the effects of ISI, and thereby deliver the digital data to its destination with the smallest error rate possible. ,2015-10-13 17:03:11,下载4次
Robust_FCM_fuzzy_.zip - robust fuzzy FCM which is better than conventional Fcm algorithm,2015-10-09 17:23:07,下载30次

