
注册日期:2015-10-10 01:12:59

Butterfly-Valve.rar - This program controls the controller of a MKS type T3BIA throttle valve. It has the same communication protocol as MKS 1651C.It uses RS232 protocol. The program controls the set point, open/close state, zero offset, full scale of the throttle valve and much more! The main file name is Master_Butterfly_Diagnostic.vi. This vi controls all the other functions. Please be aware that you are using this program at your own risk. I am not responsible for any misuse of this program.,2015-10-10 03:02:21,下载3次
Oven-Program.rar - This program controls a oven controller. The controller is Yokogawa UT100 series (UT150 or UT152 or UT 155). It can control the set point, temperature raise rate, temperature decrease rate and more. The communication protocol is RS232. It also plots the temperature set point and measured as a function of time. The main file is Master_Oven_Diagnostic.vi . This file controls all the the other functions. I ,2015-10-10 02:53:44,下载2次
labview-I-V-measurement-for-keithley-2400.rar - This program plots I-V curves for FET devices. It is designed for Keithley 2400 series. It plots I(t) V(t) and I(V). It also has automatic CSV data logging. The software is robust and it is designated for multiple measurements (several FETs in a series) ,2015-10-10 02:36:26,下载45次
grapheneRamanFit.rar - This program takes as input a text file with wavenumber and intensity counts and it outputs the Raman spectra. It is designated to find the peaks for graphene. It analyses FWHM (full width half max), the peak height and the intensity ratio in between the G/2D,2015-10-10 02:32:47,下载13次
Sleep-detection.rar - This program detects whether or not a person is asleep or awake state the EEG signals. The code requests an EEG signal as an input and it analyzes the signal based on the features selection. ,2015-10-10 02:24:16,下载11次

