
注册日期:2015-11-23 07:33:34

- Modern Sensors Handbook-Wiley-ISTE (2007).rar - book - Modern Sensors Handbook-Wiley-ISTE (2007),2020-07-19 16:07:25,下载1次
OFDM-mimo.rar - simulation of ofdm mimo using matlab,2020-07-19 15:50:51,下载1次
543449682LDPCdemo.zip - ldpc demo encoder and decoder ldpc,2020-07-19 15:47:31,下载0次
Configure VOIP in cisco packet tracer.rar - Configure VOIP in cisco packet tracer,2020-04-09 12:12:21,下载0次
Modulo 3, VLAN, STP, VTP.rar - Modulo 3, VLAN, STP, VTP,2020-04-09 12:09:18,下载1次
Encryption de voix (1).rar - encryption de voix arnold cat map,2020-04-08 21:07:17,下载1次
119128667mathematic-bessel-GUI.rar - Bessel functions, first defined by the mathematician Daniel Bernoulli and then generalized by Friedrich Bessel, are canonical solutions y(x) of Bessel's differential equation,2019-12-18 12:08:23,下载1次
Configure VOIP in cisco packet tracer (1).rar - IP telephony (Internet Protocol telephony) is a general term for the technologies that use the Internet Protocol's packet-switched connections to exchange voice, fax, and other forms of information that have traditionally been carried over the dedicated circuit-switched connections of the public switched telephone network (PSTN). Using the Internet, calls travel as packets of data on shared lines, avoiding the tolls of the PSTN. The challenge in IP telephony is to deliver the voice, fax, or video packets in a dependable flow to the user. Much of IP telephony focuses on that challenge.,2019-12-18 12:05:33,下载0次
sc_minutia.zip - Fingerprint matching algorithm using shape context and orientation descriptors,2018-03-30 21:05:18,下载4次
19854788far-frr.rar - FAR FRR DET ROC for biometrics system,2018-03-26 01:48:32,下载12次
Palmprint_Recognition_System.rar - Palmprint_Recognition_System,2018-03-26 01:35:32,下载1次
PP_ContCode.zip - palmprint biomterics system using matlab,2018-03-26 01:29:26,下载1次

LDPC.rar - LDPC低复杂度奇偶校验线性分组码程序,包括构造,编码,译码
h5gLDPCEncode.rar - 5G LDPC低密度奇偶检验编码的matlb实现
convolutional_encode.rar - simulating a convolutional encoder allows the user to input a source code to be encoded and also input the values of the generator polynomials. It outputs the encoded data bits, where 1/n is the code rate
rate_1_N_convolution_code.zip - to encode data by convolution coding
sofi.rar - encode data with convolution code and sends in throught channel with noise.checks thwe BER after
encoding_scheme_papers_rafa.rar - All papers on encoding schemes- convolution and LDPC
Encoding-of-LDPC-codes.zip - Encoding of LDPC codes
ldpc-encoding.rar - LDPC encoding Based on the book Error Correcting Codes by LShu&DCostello
matlab-LDPC.rar - ldpc material about ldpc techniques,like encoding and decoding
Project1.zip - Encode/decode to ldpc-blockcode
BF.zip - LDPC码的比特翻转译码算法,其中包含一些可用的码字,EG-LDPC码和PEG构造的码字。
ldpcber.rar - This LDPC software is intended as an introduction to LDPC codes computer based simulation. The pseudo-random irregular low density parity check matrix is based on Radford M. Neal’s programs collection, which can be found in [1]. While Neal’s collection is well documented, in my opinion, C source codes are still overwhelming, especially if you are not knowledgeable in C language. My software is written for MATLAB, which is more readable than C. You may also want to refer to another MATLAB based LDPC source codes in [2], which has different flavor of code-writing style (in fact Arun has error in his log-likelihood decoder).
density-evolution(Consistent).rar - This code provides the density evolution for a regular (3, 6) LDPC code. The code finds the proper threshold for SNR of the sender.
LDPC.zip - 基于MATLAB的LDPC码的性能仿真,包括H矩阵高斯消元变换方式、下三角形式和近似下三角形式三种
pase.rar - 采用Log-BP算法的LDPC码译码仿真程序,给出了不同信噪比下误码率和误包率的统计图,用matlab和Cc-mex程
deconvgaijin.rar - 卷积码译码算法改进 实现Conv.(2,1,9)的编码、软判决滑动窗维特比译码,其生成多项式为G0=561(八进制),G1=753(八进制),调制方式为BPSK,信道为AWGN,比较不同的译码深度对译码器性能的影响
Arabic-Handwriting-Recognition-Using-Matlab.zip - Arabic-Handwriting-Recognition-Using-Matlab-
需求.zip - 5G通信采用LDPC码,LDPC已经受到广泛使用,对于初学者,此代码可以实现LDPC编译码功能,采用matlab软件。
Decodingcrdifgcoding.zip - LDPC编解码:实现了LDPC码的编码和解码
