
注册日期:2016-03-04 06:12:55

Prj_MCP41010_STM32F030F4P6.rar - Initializing and make an SPI interface to work with the digital potentiometer (MCP41010) with STM32F030F4P6 is performed in Keil-MDK v5 with STM32Cube.,2017-06-06 20:06:48,下载16次
LED-USART.rar - It is a demo project for initializing GPIO, LED and USART by stm32f030f4p6 ARM microprocessor compiled by MDK Keil v5 and running on STM32F030 DEMO BOARD.,2016-10-13 15:21:37,下载23次
SerialPort-Sample-in-VB.NET-(CSharp).zip - This is a complete project for Network TCP in Visual Studio C++.This is a windows application that user can handle the program well.,2016-03-04 15:08:57,下载1次
Key.rar - This is a simple code for avr microcontroller that initializes keys. With pressing keys, it shows the number of the pressed key.,2016-03-04 14:55:03,下载1次
Visual-cPP_Network_2.rar - a Network program in Visual C++ that is a simple to introducing network TCP in Visual Studio C++. This code is a open source.,2016-03-04 14:32:59,下载1次
Visual-cPP_Network_1.rar - It is a code for Network TCP in Visual Studio C++. It is a simple code and uses a class program.,2016-03-04 14:28:41,下载1次
Test_5_Intensity-Resolution.rar - This code is a program foe intensity resolution made by MATLAB .It is a simple for checking intensity in images. I note that it is a simple project. With use of MATLAB R2014b it can be also launched.,2016-03-04 13:47:41,下载1次

