
注册日期:2016-03-08 21:24:09

ROCVOIAWGNBPSK.rar - Threshold for Energy Based Spectrum Sensing ,2016-03-08 22:01:39,下载3次
ROCKHISNRthaydoi.rar - The Sensing Problem COgnitive radio,2016-03-08 22:00:32,下载1次
ROC-KHI-SNR-THAY-DOI.rar - energy Based Spectrum Sensing,2016-03-08 21:58:22,下载2次
MophongROCvoiBPSKKHITHAYDOISNR.rar - ROC spectrum sensing,2016-03-08 21:56:21,下载8次
MophongROCvoiBPSK.rar - Spectrum Sensing BPSK AWGN chanel,2016-03-08 21:42:46,下载7次
codeOntheED.rar - Spectrum sensing based ED with AWGN chanel,2016-03-08 21:40:26,下载3次

ChatterBot-master.zip - 一个深度的python AI 工程,值得学习
Python创意游戏动画集_990.zip - Python 人工智能 游戏集合 拿来可以直接用 或者练手
Term_project.zip - particle swarm optimization (PSO) for wirreless sensor networks matlab code
PSO&leach.zip - 经典leach算法,和PSO算法,有想法的同学可以融合在一起,便于对比仿真。亲测有效
MIMO_OFDM_MATLAB_program.zip - All code about MIMO_OFDM
block_mimo_ofdm_channelestimation.rar - block_mimo_ ofdm_channelestimation
Ternary-Sequence-Based-OFDM-Frame-Synchro-in-WIFI - In this paper, we present and analyze efficient frame synchronization and frequency offset compensation scheme with ternary sequences for an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) system in Rayleigh fading channels. Frame synchronization is an essential procedure for normal operation of the OFDM system because of sensitivity to synchronization errors. And when there are frequency offsets in OFDM frame, the loss of orthogonality occurs and the interference problem among several subcarriers is introduced. These fact leads to the requirement for joint implementation of the frame synchronization and frequency offset compensation.
MIMO-channel-matlab.rar - mimo信道容量的matlab的分析,mimo信道容量的matlab的分析
MIMO-channel-matlab.zip - MIMO信道模型MIMO信道模型MIMO信道模型MIMO信道模型MIMO信道模型MIMO信道模型MIMO信道模型
MIMO-OFDM-matlab-project.rar - simulation of mimo OFDM
mimo-ofdm-channel-estimation.rar - 该程序可以实现MIMO OFDM系统下的信道估计,程序中采用的估计算法精确度高,性能优良
MIMO-OFDM-Simulator.rar - MIMO ofdm 仿真
MIMO-OFDM.rar - MIMO-OFDM系统中的各部分算法MATLAB仿真程序 很实用
MIMO-channel.rar - 对mimo的信道模型进行仿真,在OFDM技术下,MIMO信道的特性进行仿真
moba_demo.rar - moba demo bat algoritm
MOBA.rar - moba for multi objective algorithm
mod-leach-routing-protocol.zip - 基于leach 改进的低能耗的无线传感器网络路由协议
maqale-wsn-ga.zip - WSN genetic, clustering, pdf
基于GA的WSN路由协议.zip - 基于遗传算法的WSN通信路由协议matlab仿真代码,讲解清楚适合实用
04470122.rar - This paper proposes a novel and computationally efficient global I< optimization method based on swarm ntelligence for locating ti nodes in a WSN environment. The mean squared range error of a all neighbouring anchor nodes is taken as the objective function d for this non linear optimization problem. The Particle Swarm c Optimization (PSO) is a high performance stochastic global b optimization tool that ensures the minimization of the objective a function,
