
注册日期:2016-04-03 00:52:52

HotSwap.zip - Hot swapping IDE and/or ATAPI CDROM devices under Windows 95 FAQ,2018-05-02 03:46:01,下载1次
diamondmax_plus_9_data_sheet.zip - Maxtor DiamondMax Plus 9 Series Datasheet,2018-05-02 03:43:19,下载1次
rtl8029as.zip - Realtek RTL8029 Datasheet,2018-05-02 03:36:10,下载2次
ATD_drivers.zip - Windows Sound Subsystem Project,2018-05-02 03:25:48,下载1次
pci_20_rus.rar - RUS PCI 2.0 Specification,2018-05-02 03:11:14,下载1次

DevelopingDriverswiththeWindowsDriverFoundation.ra - Microsoft最新驱动架构WDF教材《Developing Drivers with the Windows Driver Foundation》,官网下载,为方便阅读,转换成了pdf.
Undocumented-items-in-the-DDK-in-Windows-NT.rar - Undocumented items in the DDK in Windows NT 书中涉及处皆是系统核心奥妙之所在,常人皆对此望而却步。内存操作、各类钩挂、系统服务、软件中断等等系统黑客必掌握之绝技,此书皆有论述,且其内容之深入、之实际以往经典中也难得一见。然内容虽深数却不难懂,作者论述深入浅出,稍有难点便细致讲解,更有数处令吾甚感罗嗦,其讲解之到位,可见一斑。更可贵之处在于,此书不仅受人以鱼,更受人以渔。特辟一章专讲反向工程之技巧,其意在鼓励人从此可自立门户,自行探索系统之奥秘。师父领进门,修行在个人,此言不差。有宝典在手,日日勤读善思,不愁大功不成
TheWin2kDeviceDriverBookGuideForProgrammers2Ed.rar - This book explains how to write, install, and debug device drivers for Windows 2000. It is intended to be a companion to the Microsoft DDK documentation and software. Windows 2000 represents a major improvement to previous versions of Windows NT. Device drivers for Windows 2000 may be designed for the new Windows Driver Model (WDM) architecture. If so, the driver will be source compatible with Windows 98. This book covers the new WDM specification. This book will also prove useful to those studying the internals of Windows 2000, particularly the I/O subsystem and related components.
Windows_Internals.rar - This book give the overview of windows internals. It gives the detailed information about interrupt, file systems object manager. It gives detailed about the windows opearting system.
PCI-to-PCI-Bridge.rar - x86平台的设计规范,可作为电脑硬件设计的参考必备。
PCIe_MiniCEM1.2.zip - PCI Express Mini Card Electromechanical Specification Revision 1.2
PCIv3.0-Docs.rar - PCI-3.0 Documintation
PCI-Express-Technology-3.0.zip - PCI Express document
PCI.RAR - PCI 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, CompactPCI and PCI Express 1.0 buses overview and official documentation.
PCI_2_3.pdf.zip - PCI base specification 2.3
SerialATA_Revision_3_1.rar - SATA官方开发文档3.1版 操作系统SATA驱动开发
