
注册日期:2016-04-19 20:49:58

Chomsky.rar - detection of chomsky types for regular grammar detection of chomsky types for regular grammar detection of chomsky types for regular grammar detection of chomsky types for regular grammar detection of chomsky types for regular grammar detection of chomsky types for regular grammar,2016-11-15 21:18:31,下载2次
TimeSAnalysis.rar - time serieses analysis with fourier . in code you can input various data to analyze. time serieses analysis time serieses analysis time serieses analysis time serieses analysis,2016-11-15 21:16:03,下载1次
ExpertsEstimationProccesing.rar - experts estimation processing as laboratory work. you can insert various data if wish. experts estimation processing experts estimation processing experts estimation processing,2016-11-15 21:14:09,下载1次
LinRegr.rar - do multiple linear regression on fisher s iris as laboratory work. do multiple linear regression on fisher s iris as laboratory work. do multiple linear regression on fisher s iris as laboratory work.,2016-11-15 21:11:39,下载1次

