注册日期:2016-06-05 01:35:36

tipp0369--Regionen mit Pathes.zip - regions and paths on userforms vb6.0 visual basic, source-codes,2022-04-13 12:43:00,下载0次
tipp0374--Root calculation using the Heron method - rooting calculation Heron Method, nesting, visual basic vb6.0 source-code,2022-04-13 12:40:00,下载0次
SkinControl--activevb.zip - skins control ocx dll interface vb6.0 visual basic, source-code software,2022-04-13 12:37:00,下载0次
tipp0370--Komplexe Regions erzeugen.zip - complex regions userform skins VB6.0 visual basic, source-code software,2022-04-13 12:35:00,下载0次
tipp0629--Embosseffekte auf Grafiken ASM.zip - emboss effect filter ASM assembler language , visual basic, vb6.0, source-code software,2022-04-13 12:32:00,下载0次
tipp0408--ID3v2-Tag MP3.zip - mp3 id3v2 tags audio dvd music vb6.0 visual basic, source-code software,2022-04-13 12:28:00,下载0次
tipp0373--Root calculation with nesting.zip - Vb6.0 Rooting Calculations with nesting , visual basic source-code software,2022-04-13 12:26:00,下载0次
tipp0758--MERGE SORT.zip - vb6.0 Merge Sorting visual basic,2022-04-13 12:24:00,下载0次
tipp0452--FPS - Frames pro Sekunde--VIDEO 3D.zip - video FPS frames per second DVD Vb6.0 visual basic,2022-04-13 12:23:00,下载0次
VBMThread11_AVB--OCX-ACTIVEVB.zip - vb6.0 Multithreading process Visual Basic,2022-04-13 12:20:00,下载0次
tipp0744--GPS ALEMAO.zip - GPS satelite vb6.0 visual basic ,2022-04-13 12:18:00,下载0次
tipp0800--KOLISIONS TRANSPARENT BITMAPS.zip - transparents bitmaps colisions detections,2022-04-13 12:17:00,下载0次
dithering.zip - Dithering ditther effects image processing vb6.0 visual basic, software source-code,2022-04-11 03:51:00,下载0次
xtremeplayer.zip - Music Player mp3 XtremePlayer vb6.0 source-code software visual basic,2022-04-11 03:49:00,下载0次
Quiz exam Online system quiz4.zip - Quiz Examimnation Online System vb6.0 visual basic, learning, source-code software,2022-04-11 02:56:00,下载0次
sales POS SmartPOS.zip - POS Point-of-Sales accounting inventory system VB6.0 visual basic, source-code software,2022-04-11 02:54:00,下载0次
quiz OnlineExamination.zip - Quiz testing examination online system vb6.0, visual basic,2022-04-11 02:45:00,下载0次
rental system video movies videorental4.zip - Rental movies database collecting system vb6.0 source-code visual basic,2022-04-11 02:44:00,下载0次
p2p peer Sharelandp2p0318.zip - P2P peer-to-peer sharing files software, source-code VB6.0 visual basic, software,2022-04-11 02:42:00,下载0次
Hotel system NEST--pendal.ZIP - Hotel reservation system VB6.0 source-code visual basic software,2022-04-11 02:36:00,下载0次
banking danish PROJECT6.rar - banking system money accouting Vb6.0 visual basic software source-codee,2022-04-11 01:33:00,下载0次
BankSystem0422.rar - BAnk System v0422 , vb6.0 accounting software system Visual Basic,2022-04-11 00:41:00,下载0次
Excelloader.zip - Excelloader.zip Vb6.0 open edit Microsoft Excel files Spreadsheets source-code,2022-04-10 13:12:00,下载0次
deloreanControl.zip - deloreanControl.zip vb6.0 RC CAR Remote Control Robot source-code ,2022-04-10 13:10:00,下载0次
mp3 player skinnable balducci - mp3 player skinnable balducci, visual basic, vba, audio, musicxosw,2022-04-08 22:03:00,下载0次
3dsviewer.zip - 3dsviewer, 3D model viewer, VB6.0 VBA, visual basic, source-code,2022-04-08 22:00:00,下载0次
photomate.zip - Photomate Vb6.0 Paint Software, source-code, visual basic, vba,2022-04-08 21:58:00,下载0次
printable-daily-planner_macros.zip - Excel Planner Daily VBA macros Calendar year 2020 Microsoft Office, very Professional, very nice.,2020-11-29 08:23:56,下载0次
printable-daily-planner.zip - Excel Planning Printable Calendar year 2020 Microsoft Office, very Professional, very nice.,2020-11-29 08:22:34,下载0次
budget-calendar-daily.zip - Excel Planning Calendar Budget Daily 2020 Microsoft Office, very Professional, very nice.,2020-11-29 08:21:08,下载0次
2021-calendar.zip - Excel Calendar year 2021 Microsoft Office, very Professional, very nice.,2020-11-29 08:19:31,下载0次
3-week-calendar.zip - Microsoft Excel Calendar WeekCalendar planner , very professional,2020-11-29 08:16:54,下载0次
chartfilter--Heuristic.zip - Heuristic Graphics Filter color recogniton VB6,2020-02-18 02:50:46,下载0次
tip0464.zip - VB6 Skins graphics interface system Excel VBA,2020-02-18 00:18:32,下载1次
VB6_Bitmap_Quantiser.zip - Quantisation Special Effect Quantiser Bitmap VB6,2020-02-17 23:32:23,下载0次
VBAQuiz.zip - Quiz game in Excel VBA multiple choice game,2020-02-17 22:30:10,下载0次
VB6_Image_Processor (1).zip - Image Processing software VB6 greate value classic software special effects,2020-02-17 22:25:29,下载0次
saint-seiya-jeu-directx-version-1 GAME.zip - Saint Seya Game vb6 Zodiac,2018-10-11 03:59:41,下载0次
viewer-d-images -vb Marche.zip - VIEWER of pictures VB6 like AcDSee,2018-10-11 03:57:08,下载0次
coordonees-gps - vb marche.zip - GPS, EARTH , GLOBE , COORDINATES, VB,2018-10-11 03:42:12,下载0次
colormatrix-vb--marche.zip - Color Matrix Ferrari car example VB Colormatrix,2018-10-11 03:33:58,下载0次
crop--graphicscutpicture.zip - Image Crop Visual Basic VB6,2018-02-11 06:30:12,下载1次
mARCHING-ANTS-VB6.zip - Marching Ants Image VB6 Visual Basic,2018-02-11 06:29:29,下载2次
masked_alphablend.zip - Image Alpha Blend Maker Visual Basic VB6,2018-02-11 06:26:52,下载1次
maskcreator--vb6.zip - Image Mask maker Visual Basic VB6,2018-02-11 06:25:40,下载1次
extfloodfill--Matrix.zip - Flood Fill images Visual Basic VB6,2018-02-11 06:21:43,下载1次
ascii_art.zip - Ascii Art Graphics software,2018-02-11 06:14:44,下载2次

endpid.rar - 一个vb编的结束进程的程序,可以结束掉360等软件,而且免杀,你懂的。
MyDraw3.rar - 横机CAD软件,包含windows画图板里的几乎所有功能
TanuVbChatbot.zip - 这个应用程序演示了如何编写一个VB客户对于一个AI聊天机器人。
SmartALERT.rar - 智能安防报警系统 建立安防信息数据库 端口设置和定时读取I/O端口数据 判断是否有触发事件 启动并口对应的报警设备 根据设置拨打报警电话 安防日志管理
mech.zip - 用VB+ogl开发的模拟机器人走路的程序,对用VB进行ogl开发的程序员或者爱好者相当有用处
cehui.rar - 电子水准仪 电子经纬仪 GPS静态、RTK 激光扫描仪 激光全站仪 测量机器人
TanuVbChatbotBrainViewer.zip - 这个应用程序演示了如何查看状态转换逻辑的人工智能聊天机器人交谈。
MPC02_car.rar - 步进电机控制VB程序 步进电机控制机器人小车的设计与实现
paibaojiqiren.rar - MEGA16制作的排爆机器人上位机程序,包括小车与机械手臂的无线控制
telephoneCilent.rar - 用VB编的来电客户管理程序,用MSComm控件实现,系统可以跟踪来电,根据来电号码查询来电客户的基本信息,发生业务的记录.
motorcontrol.rar - 步进电机控制机器人小车的设计与实现.其中机器人小车共三个轮子,用串口\继电器来实现步进电机的驱动,并且和上位机由串口进行通信
dsj.rar - 用于编制自动机器人的一个最基本的东西
home automation.rar - home automation with bascom and mit app inventor app
youhuapeizai.rar - 基于遗传算法的二维不规则多边形排样系统,主要用于商品车优化配载系统。
prjPolygonCentroid.rar - using this algorithm find out the Centroid of the Polygon
Servo_Controller.rar - PIC Serial Port 8 Servo Controller GUI(use to control robot)
wifi_robot_client.zip - wifi小车上位机,按键ASWDH发送不同指令。
VB_Joystick_test.rar - 手柄程序,用于控制机器人行走,转弯,加速,急停等
Automatic_robot_program.zip - 自动机械手程序,对机械手进行自动控制,VB编程!
RF_remote_controlled_robot.rar - A Program implemented in Visual Basic To control a robot vehicle via RF. Included also the (assebly) program for the robot which is run on PIC microcontroller. The controls are: Light following, light search, obstacle avoidance, Control of robot speeed (PWM)
