
注册日期:2016-07-22 20:39:54

virtualPLL.rar - virtual phase lock loop pll,2016-10-04 20:21:39,下载3次
pmsg_rectifier_inverter.rar - full controller pmsg rectifier and inverter,2016-10-04 20:20:40,下载62次
pmsg-based-wind-turbine.rar - pmsg driving by wind turbine,2016-10-04 20:19:34,下载78次
microgridactodcto-ac.rar - design of micro grid ,2016-10-04 20:18:29,下载24次
Gas-turbine-LM2500.rar - gas turbine model manufacture by GE company,2016-10-04 20:17:06,下载34次
Over-Current-Relay-Co-ordination.rar - When a fault occurs in any portion of the power system network, the primary relay must act first. But to be on the safer side a Back-Up relay to the Primary relay is also provided with a proper discrimination time in their operation. Discrimination time is provided so as to allow the primary relay to act first. In case if it fails, then the back-up relay acts. This is done so as to isolate the healthy portion the faulty portion. Time of operation is basically determined by the following relay settings: 1. Plug Setting Multiplier (PSM), and, 2. Time Dial Setting (TDS) So for a given fault current we have a desired ,2016-07-22 21:17:31,下载71次
cuckoo.rar - A new metaheuristic optimization algorithm, called Cuckoo Search (CS), is fully implemented, and the vectorized version is given here. This code demonstrates how CS works for unconstrained optimization, which can easily be extended to solve various global optimization problems efficiently. Three versions are provided: Cuckoo_search.m is for a given tolerance. Cuckoo_search_new.m is for a fixed number of iterations. Cuckoo_search_spring.m is constrained optimization for designing a spring.,2016-07-22 21:15:20,下载13次 - this folder consists of some file that show the fuzzy logic control by genetic algorithm code source,2016-07-22 21:06:38,下载9次
ANN-based-DSATCOM-Control-for-an-Electric-Ship-Po - The power system of an all-electric navy ship has an integrated network, where the propulsion load, the distribution loads, sensor and other emergency loads and pulse loads (rail guns, aircraft launchers etc.) – all are part of the same electrical network. Among the loads, the effects of pulsed loads are most detrimental for the power quality of ship power distribution system as the pulsed loads require a very high amount of power for a very short period of time . In order to improve the survivability of a navy ship in battle condition, DSTATCOM or Distribution Static Compensator can be used, which reduces the impact of pulsed loads on the bus voltage and thus keeps the bus voltage at desired level. ,2016-07-22 21:01:11,下载16次
Optimal-Fuzzy-Logic-Controller-using-Practical-sw - This package is only for optimization of the scaling factors. It is assumed that the 5 triangular membership functions equally distributed with 25 rules. This may not be the best way to construct the Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC), because the FLC is reconstructed at every simulation run and hence it may be much slower than a fixed FLC structure. However, here we are able to optimize not only the input-output scaling factors, but also the the input/output membership function distribution and the rule-base. Three sets of files will be uploaded eventually: 1- Only optimizes the scaling factors (T) 2- Only optimizes the distribution of the membership functions (S), assuming that “T”s are already optimized. 3- Only optimizes the rule-base (R), assuming that “T”s and “S”s are already optimized,2016-07-22 20:48:55,下载7次

