ZFprecoding.zip - Function for ZF Precoding of MIMO Communication System Simulation with ZF and MMSE Detection and Precoding.,2016-09-09 18:45:12,下载18次
MMSEprecoding.zip - MMSE function for MIMO Communication System Simulation with ZF and MMSE Precoding.,2016-09-09 18:39:55,下载22次
linearPrecoding.zip - Main Program for Precoding MIMO Communication System Simulation with ZF and MMSE.,2016-09-09 18:38:28,下载13次
MMSEdetection.zip - Function for MMMSE Detection MIMO Communication System Simulation with ZF and MMSE Detection and Precoding.,2016-09-09 18:35:44,下载5次
ZFdetection.zip - ZF Function for MIMO Communication System Simulation with ZF and MMSE Detection and Precoding.,2016-09-09 18:25:50,下载12次
linearDetection.zip - Main Program for MIMO Communication System Simulation with ZF and MMSE Detection and Precoding.,2016-09-09 18:24:45,下载5次
compareEq_n_PreEq.zip - MIMO Communication System Simulation with ZF and MMSE Detection and Precoding.,2016-09-09 18:23:34,下载6次
matlab_scripts_by_Jerrythee.zip - The MATLAB Scripts (m-files) Simulate MIMO Communication System with Zero Forcing (ZF) Detection, Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) Precoding and Detection. It of course goes with the MAIN Programs which calls the functions. ,2016-09-09 18:18:01,下载10次