
注册日期:2016-11-12 22:04:06

11_Syngeprote.rar - protection design of a synchronous generator with 48 slots in matlab/simulink software for all fault cases,2017-06-16 06:01:09,下载34次
10_STATCOMControPIDOptimizPSO.rar - Optimization of PID controller coefficients in a STATCOM simulated in MATLAB/Simulink software,2017-06-16 05:57:34,下载67次
9_SpliteconvSRMHEV.rar - A simulated split converter to charge the batteries of a hybrid electric vehicle drive using in a SRM (Switch Reluctance Motor),2017-06-16 05:56:07,下载25次
7_PSCADDSTATCOMDVR.rar - A comparison between DSTATCOM and DVR in a distribution power system simulated in pscad software,2017-06-16 05:53:42,下载25次
5_IvertPundPIDOptiPSOTVACPSO.rar - Optimization of PID coefficient in an Inverted Pendulum using PSO and TVPSO optimization algorithms,2017-06-16 05:51:24,下载9次
4_IndMotor5LevelInveHarmRed.rar - Harmunic reduction of a 5 level inverter connected to a 3 phase induction motor in matlab/simulink,2017-06-16 05:49:02,下载35次
6_MultDGPlacOptimizationImperiCompAlgo.rar - Multiple DG Placement optimization in 33-bus and 69-bus distribution power systems in 2 different bus using Imperialistic Competition algorithm,2017-06-16 05:45:59,下载139次
3_DGPlaceOptimImperiCompAlgo.rar - DG Placement optimization in 33-bus and 69-bus distribution power systems using Imperialistic Competition optimization algorithm.,2017-06-16 05:43:31,下载103次
2_DGPlacemDataEnvelAnal.rar - DG placement in a 33-bus distribution power system using data envelopment analysis technique considering voltage profile, reliability, power loss and cost.,2017-06-16 05:41:31,下载130次
1_DCMotorFuzLog.rar - Fuzy logic control of DC motor in MATLAB/Simulink,2017-06-16 05:34:24,下载3次

OWTS-tan.rar - 基于OWTS系统的电力电缆介质损耗正切角检测,能够方便快速的对电力电缆进行检测。 - UKEF无迹扩展卡尔曼滤波方法估计动力电缆SOC的模型,在MATLAB/SIMULINK环境下运行
EPRI_Detailed_FSC_v3.rar - 在EMTP-RV上搭建的永磁同步发电机模型,具有最大风能跟踪功能
