
注册日期:2017-01-07 14:26:26

上传列表 - A NEW APROCH FOR CHAOS BIFURCATION,2020-02-18 18:29:35,下载0次
Baleanu, Dumitru.rar - chive chaos synchronization using sybchronu,2018-05-10 02:13:09,下载0次
10.1016@j.cnsns.2010.09.016.rar - chaos synchronization with new method,2018-05-10 02:03:33,下载0次
Attractors Nonstrange to Chaotic.rar - a chaotic systems attractors classifications,2018-05-10 02:01:22,下载0次
hhh.rar - an example fit learnongng the bul,2018-03-18 08:06:42,下载1次
77.rar - synchronization of systems with different orders,2017-11-07 13:19:05,下载2次
12.rar - Generalized synchronization of chaotic systems,2017-11-07 13:17:34,下载3次
000284863200111.rar - Generalized synchronization of chaotic systems with different orders,2017-11-07 13:12:49,下载1次
programme.rar - this it a programe of a simenaire,2017-11-07 13:03:41,下载1次
synchronisation-generale.rar - a small fragement of my peper of phd,2017-05-02 00:10:41,下载4次
MON-EKF.rar - an small party of my project of phd,2017-05-02 00:07:53,下载5次
simulation_finales.rar - a programme for the final simulation,2017-05-02 00:05:02,下载4次
compte-rendu.rar - un compte rendu de mon travaill,2017-03-06 09:08:55,下载2次
Presentation1.rar - synchronization of chaos signales,2017-03-06 09:05:53,下载2次
version2.rar - MON PREMIER MATLAB CODE SOURCE ,2017-01-11 19:56:07,下载2次
henono.rar - biffuration DIAGRAMME,2017-01-07 18:21:50,下载2次

synchronzingfractionalchaoticsystem.rar - 分数阶统一混沌系统同步程序可实现分数阶混沌系统同步,对研究分数阶系统非常有用
A-Lyapunov-approach-to-the-stabilility-of-Fractio - lyapunov approach to cheking stability of fractional order systems help you to know about stability of fractional order systems
fractional-order-chen-system.rar - 分数阶chen系统仿真 在matlab中运行,可实现分数阶chen系统的混沌模型
Audio encryption.rar - 二维图像展成一维向量后的无重复置乱,《混沌数字图像加密》——张勇 P54——3.2置乱算法——程序段3—4
yinpinjiami.rar - 基于henon序列音频加密实验,1.构造有限长度的语音信号序列y(n);2.通过4Matsumoto-Chua-kobayashi模型产生超混沌序列vn;3.将超混沌序列掩盖信号序列并获得加密信号序列,然后通过信道传输出去;4.接受方受到信号后采用超混沌信号序列去掩盖获得原信号序列;5.将实现方案采用Matlab语言编程并仿真正确;
