
注册日期:2017-02-21 16:38:42

altium-designer.zip - PCB电路板是所有电子产品的中枢。从字面上解释,在外壳包围下的电路板上运行着所有数据,算法,科学,软件等等。这也是为什么我们的工具一直都以PCB设计为重。与您感同身受,我们也一样在注重PCB设计。 在全球有着数以万计的专业PCB工程师选择使用Altium Designer。倚仗于PCB设计进而成功生产的风险很高,所以你需要一套高效易用的设计解决方案,来即时满足如您一样的专业PCB工程师的需求。,2017-02-21 17:28:45,下载2次
c51.zip - 一本关于c语言的书籍,一本关于c语言的书籍,2017-02-21 17:13:30,下载1次
2016042308570548.zip - 小型风力发电机控制研究小型风力发电机控制研究,2017-02-21 17:04:08,下载9次

time.rar - Linux下头文件time.h的实现源码
localtime.rar - sys param.h is included to get MAXPATHLEN, and to get time t by virtue Device Driver for linux v2.13.6.
ecos.isoinfra.sys_time_h.rar - ecos time patch file (/home/jacmet/ecos.orig/packages/isoinfra/current/include/sys/time.h)
NA_3_02.rar - For solving the following problem: "There is No Free Lunch" Time Limit: 1 Second Memory Limit: 32768 KB One day, CYJJ found an interesting piece of commercial from newspaper: the Cyber-restaurant was offering a kind of "Lunch Special" which was said that one could "buy one get two for free". That is, if you buy one of the dishes on their menu, denoted by di with price pi , you may get the two neighboring dishes di-1 and di+1 for free! If you pick up d1, then you may get d2 and the last one dn for free, and if you choose the last one dn, you may get dn-1 and d1 for free. However, after investigation CYJJ realized that there was no free lunch at all. The price pi of the i-th dish was actually calculated by adding up twice the cost ci of the dish and half of the costs of the two "free" dishes. Now given all the prices on the menu, you are asked to help CYJJ find the cost of each of the dishes.
模拟退火算法.zip - 介绍模拟退火算法的PPT,退火算法模型相关参数及操作。
x64_win64.zip - cplex matlab优化程序包,安装后添加路径使用,适用于各种优化问题。
CPLEX.zip - CPLEX12.6.2的动态链接库 ILOG.CPLEX.DLL
dynamic_lib.rar - 动态库的生成,以及使用生成的动态库的例子
VCPPdll.rar - VC++动态链接库编程深入浅出,教你如何生成DLL库。以及如何使用动态库。
dynamic.rar - 该压缩包程序主要展示了动态库的编写和调用,其中一个文件用来生成动态库,另一个文件利用生成的动态库实现相关功能!
调用DLL文件.rar - C#中调用DLL文件
sdafasf.rar - C#程序调用外部程序 C#程序调用外部程序
CSharpUseCPPDLL.rar - C#与C++混合调用,C#调用C++的动态链接库DLL
aspsourcecode.rar - C#调用C++ Dll C #调用C++ Dll C #调用C++ Dll
VNS_TSP_Vn.0.zip - 基于C++语言的变邻域搜索算法源代码,解决解决TSP问题
GRASP.rar - 贪婪随机自适应搜索法(GRASP),使用随机化的最小最小完成时间算法来产生问题的初始解,再通过变邻域下降算法来改进这个解。
