
注册日期:2017-04-12 20:09:09

XT-Space.zip - Content publishing General article Atlas (display mode highlights the picture set, can be used as album) Pages (independent pages) do not display links in the default list, nor exist in the archive, and can be displayed by navigation menu functions, such as displaying personal files Text syntax highlighting, using Syntax Highlighter components to achieve The text editor uses KindEditor, joins More Tag and PageBreak Tag, and carries on the special processing. More Tag is used as a digest separator.,2017-11-15 08:26:04,下载1次
zaixiankaoshi.zip - A more beautiful online examination system, the function is relatively complete, the main source of the user login test, the administrator to see the exam results, management of the function of the test paper. 1, background administrator username password is: admin, test user name User001, password 1234. 2, the development environment for Visual Studio 2010, the database is SQL Server 2008, database files in the DB folder, using.Net 4 development.,2017-11-14 16:17:10,下载1次
jhyyjhyk.zip - A professional APP CMS system 1, the system supports Android client, apple client, WeChat public platform, mobile browser 2, background management information, pictures, products, slides, contact information 3, background settings messages pushed to the client, binding hardware number, you can push 4, the current official free customized client for users, there is a need for official contact customer service free to receive the client (Android, Apple) 5, after this system is deployed, browse on mobile phone or browse on WeChat 6, background support binding third party WeChat public platform, support mass messaging, fans management, reply settings, menu management and so on 7, background login address: /cms_login/login.html Login account: admin Password: 123123,2017-11-14 16:16:17,下载1次
pescmsteam.zip - PESCMS TEAM - 开源的任务管理系统是一款开源的任务管理系统。 环境要求 PHP 5.4以上且需要安装PDO扩展 MYSQL 5.5以上(理论上5.1以上都支持,暂无测试) WEB服务软件最好支持rewrite功能,让每一个URL更好看。 PESCMS TEAM特色 1.PESCMS TEAM基于PESCMS衍生而来的产品,继承PESCMS的优良特点,非常合适任何公司用于管理员工的任务进度。 2.PESCMS TEAM以GPLv2开源协议发布,只要不将其进行闭源销售,没有任何授权之类的限制,非常合适个人和商业团队使用。 3.基于PESCMS的智能表单功能,可以让使用者避免实现一些重复的增删查改方法,对于二次开发非常友好!,2017-04-12 20:24:23,下载0次
duorenwu.zip - 多任务推广系统,可用于网站推广,任务推广,如:微信加人、公众号关注、下载任务、注册任务等其它多任务,网站推广自动执行浏览及拥金发放,任务类型通过用户完成后截图上传给予雇主进行审核,网站拥金采用发放金币方式,用户可在线进行兑换成人民币进行提现,系统将自带娱乐功能,如挖掘宝箱,增加用户与平台的互动,让用户可在乐趣中赚钱。 盾灵多任务推广系统安装: 所有目录要求有读写权限 上传网站目录后,通过浏览器运行install/index.php进行安装,2017-04-12 20:23:03,下载10次

