
注册日期:2017-04-15 19:18:31

shuchengUI.zip - A commercial book selling mall is basically completed, only for beginners to refer to the exchange. It can run on the entity machine and the virtual machine, basically realizing the effect of the source code screenshot. Multiple click events will collapse.,2018-02-01 22:10:50,下载1次
donghuaNDE.zip - A custom Dialog project, Nifty Modal Window Effects, provides more than 10 dialog boxes for pop-up animation, but only a dialog style is provided.,2018-02-01 22:10:07,下载1次
schoolneiwangdata.zip - Using a simple Android jsoup based crawling app educational administration system of school network data, part of the design are: personal information, curriculum, examination time, attendance information, query results, rewards and punishments, courses, Wangui illegal part. The main idea is to use jsoup to climb data to transform the data into JSON. In order to protect privacy, the author has removed the server's URL. So you can't log in now, but you can study the way and layout of other people's implementation through code.,2018-02-01 22:08:31,下载1次
paobuluxian.zip - A Android based exercise program can automatically record the running route, calculate the speed of the running, when used, the total distance on the road. Using Baidu demo, it can run on the entity machine and the virtual machine, and the function is basically realized. Without advertising and crashes, the Baidu map's API needs to have its own replacement help in Baidu's application for replacement compression packages.,2018-02-01 22:07:17,下载1次
yaquyinyue.zip - The source annotation clear and easy to understand, suitable for novice imitation and reference. 1, music playback and pause 2, backstage playback 3, the last switch with the next switch 4, play the next function of the current music automatic switch 5, full list loop playback 6, the function of dragging the progress bar fast forward or dragging 7, music search function 8, the alphabet index function of the front page list,2018-02-01 22:06:46,下载1次
cuplayer-v4.rar - 跨平台网页视频播放器(完全免费/支持右键自定义),开放支持播放器右键自定义功能,用户可以自己定义右键信息及链接;开放支持自定义播放器控制条形象LOGO及链接;开放以上两项核心功能后,酷播V4.0产品将是一款完全免费的产品。,2017-04-15 19:27:13,下载5次
ruby_v2.zip - Ruby是一种为简单快捷面向对象编程(面向对象程序设计)而创的脚本语言,由日本人松本行弘(まつもとゆきひろ,英译:Yukihiro Matsumoto,外号matz)开发,遵守GPL协议和Ruby License。Ruby的作者认为Ruby > (Smalltalk + Perl) / 2,表示Ruby是一个语法像Smalltalk一样完全面向对象、脚本执行、又有Perl强大的文字处理功能的编程语言。其他特色包括: 运算符重载 自动垃圾回收 弱类型(动态类型 | 标量变量) 变量无需声明 (不必事先宣告变量) 在Windows上,加载DLL 巨大的标准库(函式库;Library),2017-04-15 19:24:12,下载1次

CVX.rar - 斯坦福大学Grant和Boyd教授等开发的凸优化matlab工具箱,附我自己编写的一个简单示例。
cvx-w64.rar - cvx工具箱,适用于windows 64位,官网还可下载其他版本,具体参考文件夹doc中pdf
DUET-MATLAB-master.zip - 这是在MATLAB上的DUET算法,实现欠定盲源分离。
LI-TIFROM_package.zip - 该算法是阵列信号处理中用来提取感兴趣信号的盲源分离算法。
lfm_5M.rar - 5Hz带宽线性调频连续波信号处理 LFMCW雷达信号处理程序(MATLAB环境下)
lfmcwmodule.zip - 雷达中的线性调频连续波的MATLAB实现程序
PAST2.rar - 基于投影逼近的子空间跟踪(PAST)方法,用于自适应盲信号分离
subspace_pastd.rar - 著名的子空间分离自适应算法PASTD的MATLAB源代码
all-of-Cluster.rar - 大多数经典聚类分析算法的matlab实现,包括K均值、模糊聚类(FCM)、SOM、Kohonen、EM、DBSCAN、等!
Fuzzy-k--clustering.rar - 模糊K均值聚类算法的matlab程序,很实用,很有针对性。
IFFCM.rar - 改进的快速模糊C- 均值聚类算法。基于FFCM算法,提出了新的改进,效果很好。
FCM.zip - 模糊C均值聚类算法的MATLAB实现及结果绘图
19854788FCM.rar - FCM模糊C均值聚类算法的matlab实现
FCM MATLAB例程.rar - 模糊C均值聚类算法(FCM算法)MATLAN例程
importfile.rar - 模糊C均值算法,这是中快速的聚类算法,运行有效
fcmMATLAB.zip - 模糊C-均值算法容易收敛于局部极小点,为了克服该缺点,将遗传算法应用于模糊C-均值算法(FCM)的优化计算中,由遗传算法得到初始聚类中心,再使用标准的模糊C-均值聚类算法得到最终的分类结果。
fcm.rar - 模糊c均值聚类算法在MATLAB中的代码,非常好用。。。。。
Fuzzy c-means algorithm .rar - 用模糊C均值聚类算法完成对输入数据的聚类。
cluster.zip - 模糊C均值及K均值聚类算法matlab程序代码,输入矩阵,及分类数可进行模糊分类,并得到类别的聚类中心。
聚类分析程序.rar - 聚类分析程序 包括系统聚类 样品系统聚类 变量系统聚类 K均值聚类 模糊C均值聚类
