
注册日期:2017-06-20 16:46:20

考勤记录.zip - 基于c++实现考勤系统,用于统计出勤状况,2017-06-20 16:51:41,下载4次

近期下载 - query image for image retrieval
KEYHANDOUT(matlab).zip - 此为事件触发型WSN(无线传感器网络)的密钥分发程序。 分为主程序KEYHANDOUT 5个可供加载到实际网络中的5个子程序PART1-5 还有一个初期密钥的建立KEYSOURCE函数。 调用时 1:先运行KEYSOURCE函数初始化环境。 2:在直接运行主函数KEYHANDOUT函数即可。
85797473WSN.rar - 了簇头的选择。首先根据 FCM 聚类算法,以节点位置坐标为参考将 WSN 分为若干个区域。假设 WSN 是由具有不同节点能量的异构节点组成,根据不同的节点类 型,利用加权概率的概念选择网络簇的簇头,同时使簇头节点的分布更加均匀。仿真结果 表明,改进算法明显提升了路由效果并延长了网络的寿命
WSN-Matlab-simulation.rar - WSN simulator based on matlab
KeyManagement.rar - tinyos密钥管理组件 用在tinyos仿真里的
ajassp.2014.969.977.rar - Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) is vulnerable to node capture attacks in which an attacker can capture one or more sensor nodes and reveal all stored security information which enables him to compromise a part of the WSN communications. Due to large number of sensor nodes and lack of information about deployment and hardware capabilities of sensor node, key management in wireless sensor networks has become a complex task. Limited memory resources and energy constraints are the other issues of key management in WSN. Hence an efficient key management scheme is necessary which reduces the impact of node capture attacks and consume less energy. In this study, we develop a cluster based technique for key management in wireless sensor network.
wordconverter_f.rar - In wireless sensor network,cluster algorithm of nodes is all effective approach and key technology to implement energy saving and flexible management.To improve security and lifetime of clustering network,a secure clustering was pro— posed based on the random and parallel cluster header election algorithm and pre—distributed key scheme.In hypothetical network model - convert binary to string
B001.rar - 介绍了WSN网络安全方向的主要研究方向和研究内容(密码、密钥、路由、定位、数据融合、其它)。介绍了两种OS,TinyOS和TinySec
DES.rar - 本文介绍了一种基于DES和RSA算法的安全电子邮件系统(SEM)。本文介绍了加密解密的过程、安全密钥的管理以及一些算法的实现。
