
注册日期:2017-07-20 05:22:46

LTE_System project.rar - LTE system project consists the whole LTE system for performance evaluation,2019-02-27 05:45:28,下载3次
installing cloud sim into netbeans.rar - the steps to setup the cloud into netbeans program for using the cloud computing platform,2019-02-27 05:33:09,下载0次
queuing managment algorthims.rar - queuing management algorithms for wireless backbone networks using ns2,2019-02-27 05:29:45,下载1次
SCFDMA vs CDMA.rar - SC-FDMA vs OFDMA for LTE and WiMax Uplink Simulation %The Simulation is Updated By Ahmed Abdallah Yassin Belal /Ahmed A.Elmajed Ahmed Mohmmed/Abdelhmeed Ahmed Mohamed Ahmed/Mohamed Ahmed Osman Ahmed (Red Sea university) %,2019-02-27 05:25:11,下载3次
Laplacian edge detection.rar - Laplace edge detection algorithms for medical image processing,2019-02-27 04:40:02,下载2次
encryption codes.rar - encryption and decryption codes by java for cloud computing security based on net beans program for DES , AES and blowfish,2019-02-27 04:34:35,下载0次

TIchinese_A1888.rar - 无人机高度基于matlab数据融合(考虑卡尔曼滤波)
Madgwick.rar - 无人机姿态测量系统matlab程序,输入传感器数据,输出无人机的姿态角信息
decision_trees_sky_segmentation.zip - Sky segmentation Method for UAV
quadcopter.rar - 无人机的动力学仿真建模与姿态控制的matlab 仿真代码
channel.rar - 仿真了4种常见多径衰落信道,包括无人机信道
ant-algorithim.rar - 无人机航迹规划 蚁群算法 数字地形
routeplan.zip - 无人机航迹规划,用于战场仿真,规避雷达,求出到达目标的最短路径。
uav-auto-control.rar - 数学建模论文_无人机自主飞行航迹规划问题,这篇文章还不错,内容比较全面,可以拿来参考
118.zip - As the UAV is widely applied in military action, in order to make the UAV operators operate the UAV equipment easily, we should train the UAV operator with high efficiency, high fidelity training system, which can be used in the training work in stead of the real UAV aircraft. It can heighten the training efficiency and reduce the training cost. We put forward the design project of the man-in-loop UAV flying simulator based on Matlab/Simulink, according to the flying control system’s characteristic and the request of the man-in loop simulation.
test4.rar - 基于蚁群算法的无人机航迹规划matlab算法 本算法只是初步算法, 总体来说是可以运行的,但是因为程序设计过程中没有考虑算法的复杂度,考虑的东西太多,反而增加了算法的复杂度,导致耗时比较多
Uav_simulink.zip - UAV mathematics equations matlab
ACO1.rar - 蚁群算法,对无人机路径进行有效规划,避免无人机相撞事故
ExtendedKalmanFilter.zip - 扩展卡尔曼滤波,预测目标无人机实时位置信息,掌握飞行动态
蚁群算法.rar - 群体智能算法,蚁群算法,有关无人机航迹规划,MATLAB 代码
Matlab-Drone-master.zip - its a very interesting simulation code to simulate drone connected networks of wireless networks.
Handover-Drones-master.zip - handover drones matlab source codes
pathPlanningConOpt-master.zip - 无人机在威胁区域使用凸优化算法进行路径规划的方法
WURENJI.zip - 无人机路径避让规划过程实现无人机的实际模拟
consensus-formation-control-master.zip - 多无人机编队近些年也不断有学者研究,简单的无人机编队运动总的来说就是平移与旋转的结合,本文将多无人机编队的运动转变成参考坐标系的运动控制,对参考坐标系的平移与旋转做闭环控制,利用Matlab的simulink工具进行仿真实现。
Multi-UAVs-Target-Tracking.rar - 多无人机(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle,UAV)协同目标跟踪在军/民用方面有 着广泛而又迫切的应用需求和重要的理论研究价值,是目前多 UAV 系统自主控制 领域的一个重要研究方向。本文以 UAV 执行对地侦察打击任务为应用背景,针对 复杂环境中多 UAV 协作式跟踪地面移动目标问题,重点围绕目标状态融合估计和 观测航迹优化两项关键内容展开研究
