
注册日期:2017-08-19 14:57:30

DirectXDelphiWebcamCaptureDemos.zip - delphi unit for capture from webcam with demos,2018-05-13 08:02:54,下载2次
DirectXDelphiWebcamCapture.zip - delphi unit for capture from webcam,2018-05-13 08:02:05,下载1次
Vanguard.rar - remote administration tool for windows,2018-05-13 08:00:45,下载5次
UnhookSSDT.rar - delphi unit for remove users hooks,2018-05-13 07:59:20,下载2次
PureRAT v10.3a by Wr #!d3.rar - delphi open source rat version 10.3,2018-05-13 07:58:07,下载13次
PureRAT v6.0 by Wr #!d3.rar - delphi open source rat version 6.0,2018-05-13 07:54:09,下载3次
PNG Components.rar - delphi png components for d2007,2018-05-13 07:51:46,下载7次
pevoyeur_en.zip - basic pe editor with classic features,2018-05-13 07:50:21,下载1次
OpenSc RAT v0.2.rar - delphi open source remote administration tool v0.2,2018-05-13 07:48:35,下载30次
OpenSc RAT v0.1.rar - delphi open source remote administration tool v0.1,2018-05-13 07:47:04,下载12次
MemExeCrypterbyShapeless.rar - delphi crypter with new memory loader,2018-05-13 07:45:15,下载5次
dCrypt v0.1b.rar - delphi crypter for executable protection,2018-05-13 07:30:07,下载12次
Bind3r.rar - delphi file binder join one or more files in one,2018-05-13 07:29:15,下载7次
ResHack.zip - edit pe32 files from resources,2017-08-19 15:31:16,下载1次
ESET PureFix v2.03 (Crack).rar - crack eset nod32 antivirus,2017-08-19 15:30:36,下载1次
DelphiDistiller.rar - delphi crack from d6 to 2010,2017-08-19 15:28:31,下载2次
OverbyteIcsV6.zip - delphi internet components,2017-08-19 15:23:18,下载2次
Morphine2.7GUI.rar - delphi polimorpic crypter,2017-08-19 15:21:55,下载3次
Air-Classic-2017-0604.zip - steam skin air for steam,2017-08-19 15:18:41,下载1次
Pressure2-1.0.4.zip - pressure steam skin for steam,2017-08-19 15:12:34,下载1次
NetController.rar - lite remote administration tool,2017-08-19 15:05:55,下载2次

afxCodeHook.zip - Code Hooking Library for DELPHI by aphex
DGScreenSpy_0.4c.rar - 一个非常好用的远程控制软件源代码,可以供学习使用
DelForEx.rar - 对于d6d7,安装后可自动格式化代码。对于循环语句和if语句,格式化后很容易发现错误
DelforExp.zip - DelforExp is a customizable source code formatter. Formating sources code for Delphi 5-7
DGScreenSpy_0.4d.rar - {*******************************************} { DGScreenSpy } { Version: 0.4d } { Author: BCB-DG } { EMail: iamgyg@163.com } { QQ: 112275024 } { Blog: http://iamgyg.blog.163.com } {*******************************************} 在0.4c基礎上改進。 File List: ---------- DIClient(Indy9.0.18): DIServer(DXClient): D7反向連接方式,服務端采用精簡VCL,程序體積比較小 DClient(ICS6): DServer(ICS6): D7正向連接方式 CClient(ICS5): CServer(ICS5): BCB6正向連接方式
OpenSc RAT v0.2.rar - delphi open source remote administration tool v0.2
