
注册日期:2017-09-09 15:25:00

dnwxwz.rar - A php+mysql for the development of language maintenance class management website. The PHP version requires more than 5.3, while the server requires open pseudo static Upload pictures support seven cattle cloud server Decompression is run directly on the server for installation. After the installation is complete, it is recommended that Install be deleted User site directly online repair, the site for telephone calls and quotations, maintenance registration, the user can real-time inquiries from the site to maintenance details. Later, we also launched WeChat repair and query function,2017-09-09 15:28:08,下载1次 - In the process of building a website, data is a very important piece. At first, more than 80% of the site's data came from the Internet For large companies or large teams, they have enough manpower to deal with them, but a large number of SMEs are unlikely to invest too much in this one. As a result, we have developed a small plug-in feature to facilitate data filling,2017-09-09 15:26:00,下载1次

