
注册日期:2017-11-15 20:06:49

jiandanPressReleaseSys.zip - Simple news release system, database data increase, delete, change, check, search, background management, news release, login verification, etc.. Menu function: Front page 1, news column display, news detailed information display and so on 2, keyword search; navigation bar query 3, the background entrance Back-stage management: 1, navigation bar: list of various news modules 2, browse information: keyword query; navigation bar query; news list display and modify, delete and so on Matters needing attention: 1, the development environment for Visual Studio 2010, the database is SQL Server 2008, using.Net 3.5 development. 2, administrator login name password is: admin 3, additional database connection string configuration file in web.config 4, DB folder is a database file, additional can,2017-11-20 11:23:37,下载1次
souyiJiaxiao.zip - Driving management system with the latest regulations driving test and development, including the function of student information management, vehicle management, examination management, financial management, query statistics, system settings and other functions. Installation steps Attach the corresponding database file in the database file to SQL SERVER 2005, and then build a new IIS site, set up support for.NET 2 Then copy the program file to the new IIS site directory and modify the dbconnectionstring field of the config/siteconfig.config file Enter the system, will automatically jump to the login box, the default account: admin default password: 123 Running environment: IIS +.NET FRAMEWORK 2 + SQL SERVER 2005 + ASP.NET,2017-11-20 11:22:35,下载1次

