
注册日期:2017-12-03 01:35:59

上传列表 - A basic text editor written in Java for proof of concept. proof of concept,2017-12-03 02:23:34,下载1次 - Java application to list all cycles in an undirected and directed graph,2017-12-03 02:17:02,下载1次 - Parameters container: HTML element in which the SVG will be inserted data: Array of <DataObject> to be plotted in the piechart. startingDeg (optional) : Number of degrees on which the first slice will be plotted. onMouseEnterSlice (optional): Function to be called when the users moves the mouse within a slice. It will receive a parameter with the information about the slice in which the mouse just entered. onMouseLeaveSlice (optional): Function to be called when the user moves the mouse out of a slice. It will receive a parameter with the information about the slice the mouse just left.,2017-12-03 02:02:14,下载1次 - A calculator / graphing tool written in Java. The goal is to create an open source, cross-platform, desktop graphing calculator with functionality similar to a TI-83.,2017-12-03 01:55:11,下载1次 - Grapht is a light-weight dependency injector. It converts the dependency injection problem into a graph-based problem that can be solved and analyzed without constructing any components until a solution is guaranteed. The solution graph is also exposed to enable flexible extensions such as static analysis, and visualizations. Grapht also supports specifying dependency bindings based on where in the graph the components must be injected. This allows a programmer to specify that a type Foo must be used in the context of type A, but a Bar should be used in any other context. This can be used to compliment the idea of qualifying injection points using annotations, as specified in JSR 330.,2017-12-03 01:53:33,下载1次 - This implementation is based on the js reference implementation. For example the StarWarSchema and the tests (among a lot of other things) are simply adapted to the Java world.,2017-12-03 01:49:17,下载1次 - Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. Neither the name of Bridgewater College nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.,2017-12-03 01:42:51,下载1次

