
注册日期:2018-01-24 14:23:49

MongoDB Setting.rar - This section of the manual contains tutorials on installation of MongoDB. For upgrade instructions, see Upgrade Procedures instead.,2018-01-24 16:02:59,下载1次
linear.rar - /// <summary> /// Fits a line to a collection of (x,y) points. /// </summary> /// <param name="xVals">The x-axis values.</param> /// <param name="yVals">The y-axis values.</param> /// <param name="inclusiveStart">The inclusive inclusiveStart index.</param> /// <param name="exclusiveEnd">The exclusive exclusiveEnd index.</param> /// <param name="rsquared">The r^2 value of the line.</param> /// <param name="yintercept">The y-intercept value of the line (i.e. y = ax + b, yintercept is b).</param> /// <param name="slope">The slop of the line (i.e. y = ax + b, slope is a).</param>,2018-01-24 15:57:18,下载1次
Search.rar - search nearst point /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="Target"></param> /// <param name="Datavalue"></param> /// <param name="Min_D"></param> /// <param name="N"></param> /// <param name="CP"></param>,2018-01-24 15:54:29,下载1次
WCF2.rar - What the design goals of WCF are Different messaging and coordination patterns and what support WCF has for them The organization of WCF (Relationship between bindings, channels, etc). A few other books have this, but I found this book to have the most hands-on explanation of them - which I like.,2018-01-24 15:47:54,下载1次
WCF.rar - The best about this book is that it helps you understand with a very simple and effective way and it has a lot of examples and all needed instructions to get you started fast.,2018-01-24 15:45:33,下载1次

