
注册日期:2018-03-07 21:33:58

Lab5.rar - Lab 5. FIR & IIR Filters in MATLAB,2018-07-31 04:10:33,下载0次
10.1109@tetc.2016.2606384.rar - A Comprehensive Study of Security of Internet-of-Things Arsalan Mohsen Nia, Student Member, IEEE and Niraj K. Jha, Fellow, IEEE,2018-07-31 04:06:52,下载0次
sain2017.rar - Survey on Security in Internet of things: state of the art and challenges,2018-07-31 04:00:30,下载0次
IOT Book.rar - Securing the Internet of Things,2018-07-31 03:58:04,下载7次
IOT4.rar - Internet of Things (IoT) Security: Current Status, Challenges and Prospective Measures,2018-07-31 03:53:53,下载1次
IOT3.rar - Twenty security considerations for cloud-supported Internet of Things,2018-07-31 03:52:53,下载0次
IOT2.rar - Internet of Things (IoT) is characterized by heterogeneous technologies, which concur to the provisioning of innovative services in various application domains. In this scenario, the satisfaction of security and privacy requirements plays a fundamental role. Such requirements include data confidentiality and authentication, access control within the IoT network, privacy and trust among users and things, and the enforcement of security and privacy policies.,2018-07-31 03:49:45,下载1次
IOT.rar - Internet of things: Vision, applications and research challenges,2018-07-31 03:42:16,下载2次 - A Nash Game Algorithm for SIR-Based Power Control in 3G Wireless CDMA Networks,2018-07-19 02:20:01,下载4次
TCOMM-2014-04-1258-Recursive Construction of.rar - Recursive Construction of communicatiom systems,2018-03-07 22:47:44,下载1次
Improvement in Cognitive Radio.rar - Improvement in Cognitive Radio,2018-03-07 21:42:19,下载2次

