
注册日期:2018-04-19 09:39:31

上传列表 - Very suitable for beginners to go, the interface is relatively simple, the code is small, using the VS2010 and the SQL 2008 database with its own, human resources management system including administrators, departments, ordinary staff three categories. Administrators can administer staff, staff rewards and punishments, salaries, information, etc. to modify, can apply for new staff, can issue various kinds of notifications once the staff check.,2018-09-13 14:25:08,下载0次 - Using COM component mstscax.dll provided by Microsoft (under system32 folder) Input IP can enter the login interface of the server, and login to the server according to the user name password. Be careful: Download, unzip the mstscax file to the current directory.,2018-09-13 14:24:27,下载0次 - We mainly use SQL stored procedure to pagination, and we need to pay attention to the paging implementation. There is a DB folder at the root of the project. Read it carefully. It contains test data information, and you can You can directly attach the database. File function description: data list paging Practical paging notes: I wrote a pagination demo to share with you and learn from each other.,2018-09-13 14:23:36,下载0次
ncope.rar - 找朋友的问题的探究!acm上比较经典的一道题!快来看看把!,2018-05-11 16:42:56,下载0次
HQXP.rar - 怎样控制递归的深度 用C++编写 在 VC++6 0,2018-05-11 16:41:39,下载2次

