
注册日期:2018-05-13 09:17:55

Windows网络编程(第二版免费).rar - windows newwork ptogram descript,2018-05-13 12:09:46,下载0次
C++ 网络编程.rar - C++ network program describe,2018-05-13 12:07:56,下载1次
GameEngineArchitecture.rar - Game Engine Architecture,2018-05-13 11:56:39,下载2次
DirectX9UserInterfacesDesignandImplementation.rar - DirectX9 User Interfaces Design and Implementation,2018-05-13 11:53:45,下载6次
Unreal Engine 4 Scripting with C++.rar - Unreal Engine 4 Scripting with C++ Cookbook(2016),2018-05-13 09:50:07,下载6次

近期下载 - Programming a Multiplayer FPS in DirectX (ENGINE SOURCE CODE)
Learning Vulkan [eBook].rar - How to Learning Vulkan
Examples.rar - Programming an RTS game with Direct3D 源代码下载
Programming_a_Multiplayer_FPS_in_DirectX.rar - 作者用directX一边教学一边写出了一个3D引擎。对于初涉引擎架构的人来说具有很好的引导作用。从整体把握了一个3D引擎需要的技术。
T3DIICHAP01.rar - 3D游戏编程大师技巧第一章源代码,共享之,希望大家多交流
3D游戏编程大师技巧.rar - 此书虽然被嫌弃过时了,但对于游戏开发新手而言,通过此书了解渲染管线非常好
Introduction-of-3D-Game-Programming.rar - This updated bestseller provides an introduction to programming interactive computer graphics, with an emphasis on game development using DirectX 11. The book is divided into three main parts: basic mathematical tools, fundamental tasks in Direct3D, and techniques and special effects. It includes new Direct3D 11 features such as hardware tessellation, the compute shader, dynamic shader linkage and covers advanced rendering techniques such as screen-space ambient occlusion, level-of-detail handling, cascading shadow maps, volume rendering, and character animation. It also includes a companion CD-ROM with code and figures.
