
注册日期:2018-06-03 23:51:24

上传列表 - This is a hardware and software project to synchronize multiple RTL-SDR receivers and make it possible to use them for applications such as radio direction finding, passive radars, measuring equipment, radio astronomy interferometers and MIMO communications.,2020-07-27 05:39:33,下载0次 - GPS-SDR-SIM generates GPS baseband signal data streams, which can be converted to RF using software-defined radio (SDR) platforms, such as [ADALM-Pluto],2020-07-27 05:38:23,下载0次 - This program is a software-defined receiver which is able to process (that is, to perform detection, synchronization, demodulation and decoding of the navigation message, computation of observables and, finally, computation of position fixes) the following Global Navigation Satellite System's signals:,2020-07-27 05:37:06,下载0次 - # Simulation of CDMA communication system This program simulates a basic CDMA communication system using Matlab.,2020-07-27 05:33:44,下载1次 - Plot the relationship between the bit-error-rate (BER) and % signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for OFDM system with BPSK modulation method % BER_vs_SNR_OFDM_with_BPSK(ParameterName1, ParameterValue1,... % ParameterName2, ParameterValue2,...) % Parameters: % BitPerSymbol: Bits per symbol, default is 1 % NoSymbol: Number of symbols, default is 10^6 % NoSub: Number of subcarriers, default is 64 % LenCyclic: Length of cyclic prefix, default is 16 % SNR: SNR range for simulations, default is 0:2:30 % BPSKNum: Number of phase for BPSK, default is 2. Mapping the bit 0 and % the bit 1 as -1 and 1 % Example: % BER_vs_SNR_OFDM_with_BPSK('NoSymbols',10^6,'SNR',0:15);,2020-07-27 05:30:22,下载0次

近期下载 - PSK31 Model with Symbol Timing and Carrier Recovery
thesimulationofBPSKandQPSK.rar - 关于BPSK和QPSK的检测性能仿真的大作业
non_coherent.rar - performs bpsk modulation with non coherent detection
BPSK.rar - simulink仿真框图来实现BPSK调制
BPSK.rar - simulink for BPSK modulation - Simulink model for BPSK
BPSK.rar - bpsk matlab simulink application
BPSK_.rar - bpsk的调制解调,基于simulink的仿真
CDMA-ber-simulation.rar - 高斯白噪声信道CDMA性能仿真,绘制BER与码长、信噪比、用户数的关系曲线。 - mc-cdma扩频通信系统中误码率分析仿真与编写
a_software-defined_gps_and_galileo_receiver.rar - gps GPS matlab GPS lab ephemeris.m matlab gps toolbox gps toolbox Software Receiver
GPS-source.rar - GPS应用源代码,GPS应用程序设计,GPS坐标转换等 - 详细介绍GPS原理,仿真前必看,很不错的文档。
GPSkangganrao.rar - 一篇关于GPS抗干扰的博士论文,很有价值
gps.rar - 自适应调零天线GPS抗干扰技术研究简析,介绍了智能天线的gps应用
GNSS_SDR.rar - GPS软接收机.包括:捕获,跟踪,伪距计算,位置解算等等。
GNSS_SDR.rar - GNSS sDR application about GPS to use people
gnss-sdr-master.rar - In order to start using GNSS-SDR, you may want to populate ```gnss-sdr/data``` folder (or anywhere else on your system) with raw data files. By raw data we mean the output of a Radio Frequency front-end s Analog-to-Digital converter. GNSS-SDR needs signal samples already in baseband or in passband, at a suitable intemediate frequency (on the order of MHz). Prepare your configuration file, and then you are ready for running ```gnss-sdr config_file=your_configuration.conf```, and seeing how the file is processed.
