
注册日期:2018-09-23 03:31:23

CS_SignalRecovery_SourceCode.tar.gz - ou may be interested in using only the CS Nesterov reconstruction routine (e.g. to include it in your own project). First, you should include in your C++ project the following header files: newmat.h newmatap.h newmatio.h nesta.h and call the method: "Nesterov(A,y)" "A" is a C++ object of type "Matrix" and "y" is another object of type "ColumnVector". The method returns another object of type "ColumnVector" which contains the solution of the minimization problem: argmin |s|_l1 s.t. y = As See our publications for further information on the Nesterov optimization method and on how that is used within our data gathering system for WSNs. Further information on the object types and their usage, see the documentation of the library "newmat_lib" (included in this package in a subdir),2018-09-23 04:07:45,下载2次
60485.zip - Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution,2018-09-23 03:54:26,下载0次
Compressive-Sensing-Project-master.zip - Compressive-Sensing-Project using decision tree for feature selection and neural network classifier,2018-09-23 03:46:09,下载1次
WSN_Signal_Models.zip - Description: wireless sensor network emulation detection of the source code, and some simple experimental results analysis data,2018-09-23 03:41:49,下载4次
SolarStat.zip - compressive sensing encrypting,2018-09-23 03:40:07,下载1次

