
注册日期:2018-10-15 04:36:34

ZeuS_v1.2.7.19.rar - Zeus visual basic source code,2018-10-20 06:08:21,下载1次
janibot - janibot source code visual basic,2018-10-20 06:06:17,下载0次 - BotNetSource source code visual basic,2018-10-20 06:04:42,下载0次
bazaid BotNet Beta 1.rar - bazaid BotNet Beta 1,2018-10-20 06:03:15,下载1次
[VB]Omega1.1.rar - Omega source VB6 code source,2018-10-20 06:01:37,下载0次 - FunRAT ( Delphi7 Source code),2018-10-20 05:58:02,下载0次

artlic.rar - Delphi example of license protection using artlicense - madCollection full source This is not your every day VCL component collection. You won t see many new colored icons in the component palette. My packages don t offer many visual components to play with. Sorry, if you expected that! My packages are about low-level stuff for the most part, with as easy handling as possible. To find the hidden treasures, you will have to look at the documentation (which you re reading just in the moment). Later I plan on writing some nice demos, but for now the documentation must be enough to get you started.
TMS component Pack 3.5.rar - TMS Component Pack Pro Over 200 productivity VCL components, including grids, planning, scheduling, calendars, advanced edit controls, web update, enhanced listbox, treeview, combos, CAB file handling, and so much more - smadav antivirus version 81 indonesia
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Antivirus.rar - Simple file md5/sha1 file scanner.(antivirus) - Belyash antivirus beta version my edit database 100000+ virus clean
Antivirus_firewall_killer.rar - Antivirus & firewall killer ,, delphi source code - 完整的防病毒软件源代码,开发语言delphi,提供给反病毒开发人员或对此感兴趣的软件人员,可以直接编译使用
Clever.Internet.Suite.v.8.1.D7-XE8.x32.Src.rar - Clever Internet Suite v.8.1.437.0 D7-XE10 Full Source
Clever Internet Suite v9.1.0 - Clever Internet Suite v9.1.0 Source
4.0.RAR - Clever Internet Suite 4.0 source
bbsautoft.rar - 论坛自动发贴工具,Delphi源码,不过使用时小心被杀毒软件当病毒了哦!
antivirus.rar - 专门针对基于钩子技术、动态链接库(DLL)设计的一类特殊木马的查杀系统
Antivirusfiewallkiller.rar - Antivirus,firewall,killer.关闭杀毒软件的源代码
moonav.rar - The full source code of Moon Secure Antivirus 1.x was released. Please consider to read license.txt and howtobuild.txt for more information. Because you reached this page meaning that you are intrested in helping this project or developing projects based on this one. Please contact if you would like to help or discuss any issues with me. Thanks folks. (c) TRIEU TRAN DUC 2002 - 2008
200592811442677236.rar - 用delphi写的杀毒软件的源程序,我没有用过,请大家看看(不是我写的)。
sdrj.rar - VB杀毒软件代码。虽然杀毒软件一般都是c++写的,但是VB也能做。绝对是经典代码,一起学习
DarkStRat2008V1.0.rar - DarkstRat2008 V1.0 开源版 1.系统信息:可以查看操作系统版本、Cpu类型、内存信息、杀毒软件、防火墙、硬盘大小等 2.文件管理:文件浏览、上传、下载、删除、运行 目录创建和删除。 3.超级终端:也就是telnet命令执行 4.进程管理:可以查看对方进程,并可以终止进程。 5.注册表管理:可以浏览、删除、新建、修改 6.服务管理功能:可以浏览、启动、停止、新建、删除 7.窗口管理功能:最大化、最小化、关闭、隐藏窗口、发送键盘信息。 8.发送消息:发送一些提示远程用户信息、可以返回用户的选择结果 9.恶作剧:鼠标抖动、锁定鼠标、颠倒鼠标按键、开启关闭光驱、隐藏桌面图标、禁用开始按钮、隐藏任务栏
