
注册日期:2018-10-26 09:32:06

YUV2RGB.zip - This design example implements a basic YUV422 to RGB888 colour space conversion. The component in this example reads a single YUV422 word (representing two YUV pixels) and emits two RGB888 words (representing two RGB pixels). The testbench reads image_in.bmp (an RGB encoded bitmap), converts the data to YUV422 format, then passes the YUV422 data to the component to convert back to RGB format. The resulting RGB image (which has undergone two colour space transformations: RGB888 -> YUV422 -> RGB888) is emitted to image_out.bmp. For the sample image provided, the output can be compared to image_out.bmp.golden to verify correctness.,2018-10-26 09:59:39,下载0次
image_downsample.zip - This design example implements an image downsampling algorithm to scale an image to a smaller size using bilinear interpolation. The testbench reads an image from test.bmp, emits a scaled down version to downsampled.bmp, and compares the results to a golden reference image in expected.bmp.,2018-10-26 09:57:31,下载0次
counter.zip - This design example demonstrates a trivial counter. The component initializes a static counter to 0, and increments on every call.,2018-10-26 09:56:06,下载0次
sysgen_demos.zip - System Generator for DSP is a design tool in the Vivado Design Suite that enables you to use the MathWorks model-based Simulink design environmentfor FPGA design.,2018-10-26 09:49:42,下载6次
Vivado_Tutorial.zip - This is a simple IP Integrator based Zynq design. A Bus Functional Model Simulation can be run on this design.,2018-10-26 09:44:18,下载4次

