
注册日期:2018-12-08 17:55:44

pwm_gen.zip - pwm_gen,PWN波形发生器,开关波形,2020-06-11 21:51:54,下载0次
fsm_hello.zip - fsm_hello,,verilog 语言实现,非常有用,2020-06-11 21:49:45,下载0次
decoder3_8.zip - 3-8译码器,采用VERILOG语言实现,vivado 平台测试通过,2020-06-11 21:48:17,下载0次
非常重要——SDK调试技巧.rar - 非常重要,SDK调试技巧,学习FPGA使用,实用资料,2020-06-11 21:44:27,下载0次
听说你还不会用fir滤波器…….rar - FIR 滤波器配置和使用,非常好用的资料,2020-06-11 21:41:51,下载1次

CPERIUWOLAF.rar - 使用WOLA滤波器组的均衡器什么的,网上原来下载的代码不全,补充了缺省的几个函数(也从网上搜来),基本可以运行了
filter_ten.rar - 这是多相滤波器设计MATLAB仿真程序,献给大家做个参考
Polyphase-Filter-.rar - 基于多相滤波宽带信道化数字接收机,对多相滤波器进行了深入介绍。
testWOLA.rar - Filterbanks for digital hearing aids must use significantly different criteria than those designed for coding applications. For digital hearing aids, the filterbank channel gains must be adjustable over a large dynamic range to compensate for the hearing loss. This adjustability violates the alias cancellation properties of critically sampled filterbanks designed for coding. This paper describes a filterbank designed exclusively for hearing aid applications. Consideration will be given to the extremely limited memory, low delay and low power requirements that must be met in a typical hearing aid application.
wola.rar - WOLA polyphase filter加权跌接累加FFT信道化技术
junyun_FFT_1031.rar - 均匀信道化,16子信道均匀信道化的程序,matlab程序
wolaanalyze.rar - wola 分析程序 matlab DSP开发程序 FFT
wola.rar - matlab code for wola filter bank
