
注册日期:2018-12-30 16:18:01

Detection of Glaucoma 2.rar - system has functionality as shown,2018-12-30 16:37:28,下载10次
entropy.rar - The proposed shown in the architecture,2018-12-30 16:36:40,下载0次
comparative-study.rar - functionality as shown in the architecture,2018-12-30 16:35:39,下载1次
temp.rar - The proposed system has functionality,2018-12-30 16:34:47,下载1次
templa.rar - The proposed system has functionality as shown in the architecture,2018-12-30 16:34:10,下载0次
load cell (1).rar - Loadcell for embedded system along with matlab,2018-12-30 16:31:34,下载1次
BEMyEyesPaper.rar - ANDROID PAPER FOR BLIND APPLICATION,2018-12-30 16:31:03,下载0次
617-1683-1-PB.rar - Development template for web technology,2018-12-30 16:30:21,下载0次
170404001.rar - RED ALERT OF GPS TRAFFIC CONVERSION DATA,2018-12-30 16:29:16,下载0次
Architecture.rar - FOR STUDY PURPOSE WITH DATA LOG,2018-12-30 16:27:30,下载0次
2nd phase.rar - Matlab project for basic studies and GUI,2018-12-30 16:25:17,下载1次
161986504-matlab.rar - Document of matlab for gui and also basic,2018-12-30 16:23:32,下载1次
204073876-Matlab-Tutorial.rar - Document for matlab basic document to learn,2018-12-30 16:22:21,下载1次
216480756-Matlab-programming.rar - Document of matlab you can start reading,2018-12-30 16:21:00,下载1次
125766624-matlab.rar - DOCUMENTS FOR READING,2018-12-30 16:19:53,下载1次

近期下载 - steganography on colour images
project-code.rar - Steganography project source code in matlab.. - Final year project for speakers recognition System along with matlab code
digital-image-processing-project-TUMOR-DETECTION. - image processing for find the tumor in brain it will be helpful t find defects in compoents also
基于MATLAB的储粮害虫图像处理方法.rar - 摘要:在对粮虫图像处理过程中,介绍了Matlab图像处理工具箱中的函数,给出了图像处理与分析的技术实现, 边缘检测及轮廓提取, 通过形态学方法进行图像特征抽取与分析,达到了比较好的效果. - Matlab Kidney stone detection algorithm
project-papers.rar - report for ocr project using matlab
code.rar - processing medical image,input is medical image,and output is the a txt file,contents the distance between cells and bone trabecula,to use this code,please change the root to yours which contents your pictures you want to deal with.
Matlabimage.rar - Matlab在医学图像处理中的应用Study on Image Processing of the Lung Cancer and Bone by Using MATLAB
bianyuantiqu.rar - 基于数学形态变换的骨骼CT边缘提取 Canny算子
project02.rar - Model of a segmented femur. It shows the outer surface (red), the surface between compact bone and spongy bone (green) and the surface of the bone marrow (blue). In computer vision, image segmentation is the process of partitioning a digital image into multiple segments (sets of pixels, also known as super-pixels). The goal of segmentation is to simplify and/or change the representation of an image into something that is more meaningful and easier to analyze
mini_project.rar - x-ray bone fracture image segmentation using different noisy technique - this program Identify the defection in bone using neural networks - Try to classify tissues in the knee MRI. Specially, the cartilage and the bone
