
注册日期:2019-02-01 22:08:45

open_org_field_guide_1_2_1.zip - ess than a year later, they did. The Open Organization Field Guide: Practical Tips for Igniting Passion and Performance is a community-produced companion to Whitehurst's initial thoughts on the future of work, management, and leadership. Licensed for sharing and modification under a Creative Commons license, the book collects cutting-edge ideas about the ways open source values are changing the ways we work, manage, and lead.,2019-02-12 01:43:27,下载0次
open_org_leaders_manual_2_1_1.zip - how to be a leader with confidence and good manners this is all,2019-02-12 01:40:57,下载0次
open_org_workbook_1_04.zip - ll part of an ongoing conversation about the challenges we face in transformative, fast-moving, and uncertain times,2019-02-12 01:39:29,下载0次
organize_for_innovation_1_1.zip - he explains how leaders everywhere can begin rethinking how they utilize data, approach failure, structure teams, and set goals,2019-02-12 01:38:45,下载0次
Writing Idiomatic Python.zip - You're Not Writing Pythonic Code. But You Could Be. Are you even sure what "Pythonic" code is? Writing Idiomatic Python will have you writing professional, "Pythonic" code in hours.,2019-02-12 01:36:51,下载0次
mementopython3-english.zip - this is a cheatsheet of the most comon commands of python 3. it can be used for python 2 too,2019-02-12 01:34:37,下载0次
10000 Chinese characters.zip - this is a documents where the mos common chineses characteres are shown,2019-02-12 01:33:18,下载0次

