注册日期:2019-04-13 18:49:40

laverie2005 F.rar - Then, an end detection phase (onset, ending) is necessary. A method of extraction of signals S1 and S2, based on the optimized S-transform, is discussed and compared with the different approaches that exist in the literature,2019-04-14 03:55:39,下载1次
stage laverie2005 F.rar - CERPHOS: Center for Analysis and Research of Phosphates. FERTIMA: Moroccan Society of Fertilizers. IPSE: Institute of Socio-Educational Promotion. MOROCCO PHOSPHORUS: industrial chemical direction. MARPHOCEAN: transfer of Maritime OCP shares. Phosboucraa. SMESI: Moroccan Society of Special and Industrial Studies SOTREG: Regional Transport Company.,2019-04-14 03:54:21,下载0次
Copie de Rapport du.rar - the classification of cardiac signals, the methods described in the literature to classify S1 and S2, are based on temporal criteria (duration of systole and diastole) which will no longer be valid in several pathological cases such as tachycardia strict. A new descriptor from the time-frequency domain is evaluated and validated for discriminate S1 from S2. Then, a new method of generating attributes, based on the Empirical modal decomposition (EMD) is proposed. Non-linear descriptors are also tested, in order to classify sounds normal heart and pathological sounds in the presence of systolic murmurs,2019-04-14 03:33:05,下载1次
Rapport du stage F.rar - also to thank Christian Brandt for his enthusiasm and his remarkable motivation and for all the help he could bring especially in the medical context. My great thanks to the Alsace region for agreeing to finance this work of thesis. I thank my rapporteurs, Laurent Daudet and Olivier Meste, for accepting the heavy rapporteur and paid close attention to my manuscript. I thank also Jean Merckle for agreeing to preside over my,2019-04-14 03:29:56,下载0次
Rapport du stage laverie2005 F.rar - The enrichment of poor phosphates by wet methods or washing occupies an important place among the processes of treatment of phosphate ores applied in Morocco. Thus the O.C.P group has four laundries in operation and a fifth planned for the treatment of phosphates poor sidi Channane.,2019-04-14 03:25:43,下载0次

ECGfilteringprocedures.rar - 心电滤波程序及产生噪声心电波形和正常心电波形的程序
