
注册日期:2019-04-21 11:20:40

GGTalk.rar - GGTalk, including client, server and database, can be deployed and used in WAN. Support: Text/Voice/Video Chat, File Transfer, Offline File, Offline Message, Video Conference, Stable Performance,2019-05-31 10:26:19,下载1次
BtcTrans.zip - Simple Bitcoin automatic trading program, Bitcoin hedging program, support OkCoin and Firecoin platform hedging. Advanced Settings, Stop Moving Bricks, Assessment Order Detection Stop, Refresh Order List, Save Settings,2019-05-31 10:23:32,下载1次
GaoDe.zip - Longitudinal and latitude resolution address is C# calling the open interface of Gaud Map API to realize the resolution of longitude and latitude into Chinese address.,2019-05-31 10:20:58,下载0次
yuexin.zip - Simple company staff monthly salary calculator, fill in the monthly salary technology, select the position, point calculation shows the monthly salary.,2019-05-31 10:20:21,下载0次
tanke.zip - Classic tank battle source code uses the classic tank battle FC game source code developed by VB.NET to simulate Nintendo tank battle. Full open source code, test please pay attention to opening the keyboard capitals. Control mode: capitalized JKLI controls the direction of the tank, and F launches.,2019-05-31 10:19:17,下载0次

