
注册日期:2019-05-06 16:12:28

Dooktop.rar - Seeking for a position of Human Resources, customer Service or Administrative Manager in a firm where I will have the opportunity to use my years of experience to create great impact for the organization. check the file,2019-05-06 16:52:59,下载0次
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code repo.rar - icon of computer, use this code repo for multiple thing youd wanna do. good luck,2019-05-06 16:34:23,下载0次

RoadTunes.rar - CSR最新的车载蓝牙RoadTunes的控制示例程序,用VC6编译。使用abcsp蓝牙通信协议
PStool.tar.gz - CSR bluetooth pstool
BC417143B DataSheet.rar - CSR BlueCore BC417143B BGA DataSheet
BlueSuiteSource_V2_5.zip - CSR Bluesuite v2.5.0 accompanying source code
CSR-bluetooth-headsetprogram.zip - CSR 蓝牙耳机程序blue_headset
BlueSuite_2_6_11_1937.rar - BlueSuite CSR
BCCMD_Protocol_(bcore-sp-002Pc).pdf.zip - CSR BCCMD protocol description for serial communication with CSR BlueCore bluetooth chips.
my_second_dsp_app.zip - second DSP firmware app example project provided in CSR ADK 4.0.1
adk4.0.1_example_sink.zip - audio sink example project from CSR ADK 4.0.1
adk4.0.1_example_source.zip - audio source example project from CSR ADK 4.0.1
my_first_24bit_dsp_app.zip - example DSP firmware app provided in CSR ADK 4.0.1
one_mic_example.zip - DSP One-mic example in ADK 4.0
a2dp_sink.zip - A2DP sink for CSR 867X in ADK 4.0.
two_mic_example.zip - Two mic example for CSR 867X in ADK 4.0.
my_first_dsp_app.zip - My first DSP program for CSR 867X in ADK 4.0.
my_second_dsp_app.zip - Second dsp example for CSR 867X in ADK 4.0.
csr_8670_sch.rar - csr 8670开发板原理图,带母板和核心板,可以正常使用,已经确认过
CSR_ADK2.0_GuideLine_withDspExample.rar - 一份适用于刚开始涉及CSR Bluecore编程的入门资料,包括ADK2.0 xIDE环境介绍和培训资料,Bluecore应用程式构架说明,一个VM,DSP双核交互任务的程序例程及相应的程序说明书。
HomeKit Accessory Protocol Specification.zip - Homekit accessory specification r13
HomeKit ADK Integration Guide - For ADK 2.0.zip - HomeKit ADK Integration Guide
