
注册日期:2019-05-20 21:38:57

上传列表 - 用扇形图展示数据,有动态效果显示,利用率pyechart工具比较简单,2020-07-10 22:40:00,下载0次 - 展示一些简单的数据,折线图等。利用pyechart工具,2020-07-10 22:38:41,下载0次 - 用python展示图表数据,从txt中读取数据并展示,2020-07-10 22:37:27,下载2次 - 利用Python的工具将数据展示在网页上,一些简单的图表,2020-07-10 22:36:24,下载0次
netlogo中文手册.zip - Netlogo中文手册,帮助学习Netlogo语言。复杂网络仿真的实现,2020-07-10 22:22:02,下载3次

近期下载 - 综合信任网络生成的matlab代码,用于分析多代理网络中的信任问题。
epinionsRobot_pl.rar - trust in recommendation algoritm
TrmSim.rar - 基于信誉的无线传感器网络模型。用java编写的 - 基于D-S证据理论的信任模型研究与实现,用matlab编写代码仿真实现模拟图形 - 实现了开放环境下的信任管理功能,并能够分析和计算不同实体之间的直接和间接信任值
TDSR-LATEST-CODE.rar - The reliable data delivery is a challenging task in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) due to dynamic and unpredictable changing behaviors of nodes. The traditional cryptographic and authentication based schemes can’t be adopted due to their associated cost and incapability to counter nodes misbehavior attacks. Recently, trust based solutions have proved to be more effective to address nodes’ misbehavior attacks. Apart isolating misbehaving nodes, the existing trust based schemes lacks the capability to minimize link failure notifications due to transient transmission disruption which consequently give rise to frequent route breakages thereby undermining throughput and route stability. Moreover, the existing solutions give rise to high energy consumption and control overhead in pursuit of trust estimation and network-wide dissemination which not only adds to network congestion but also undermines network lifetime. In this paper, we present a Trust and Energy aware Routing Protocol (TERP) that
TAODV.rar - 自己编写的利用matlab实现无线自组织网aodv仿真的算法源码。 为由50个节点构成的网络。在50m×50m大小的区域内,随机的产生50个节点。由用户指定源节点和目的节点,程序负责给出从源节点到目的节点的最小路径和此路径的跳数。各个节点之间设定为只要在自己直接通信范围内的其它节点
TAODV-LATEST-CODE.rar - The reliable data delivery is a challenging task in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) due to dynamic and unpredictable changing behaviors of nodes. The traditional cryptographic and authentication based schemes can’t be adopted due to their associated cost and incapability to counter nodes misbehavior attacks. Recently, trust based solutions have proved to be more effective to address nodes’ misbehavior attacks.
New folder.rar - fmincon implements four different algorithms: interior point, SQP, active set, and trust region reflective. Choose one via the option Algorithm: for instance, to choose SQP, set OPTIONS = optimoptions('fmincon','Algorithm','sqp'), and then pass OPTIONS to fmincon.
